Thread: problem with const int inside class (c2258)

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    problem with const int inside class (c2258)

    having problems using the given .h and .template files for my lab... here is what errors i get:

    c:\documents and settings\all users\documents\school\nonlinear data structures\lab_5\graph.h(78) : error C2258: illegal pure syntax, must be '= 0'
            c:\documents and settings\all users\documents\school\nonlinear data structures\lab_5\graph.h(95) : see reference to class template instantiation 'main_savitch_15::graph<Item>' being compiled
    c:\documents and settings\all users\documents\school\nonlinear data structures\lab_5\graph.h(78) : error C2252: 'MAXIMUM' : pure specifier can only be specified for functions
            c:\documents and settings\all users\documents\school\nonlinear data structures\lab_5\graph.h(95) : see reference to class template instantiation 'main_savitch_15::graph<Item>' being compiled
    c:\documents and settings\all users\documents\school\nonlinear data structures\lab_5\graph.h(92) : error C2065: 'MAXIMUM' : undeclared identifier
            c:\documents and settings\all users\documents\school\nonlinear data structures\lab_5\graph.h(95) : see reference to class template instantiation 'main_savitch_15::graph<Item>' being compiled
    c:\documents and settings\all users\documents\school\nonlinear data structures\lab_5\graph.template(18) : error C2039: 'MAXIMUM' : is not a member of 'graph<Item>'
    c:\documents and settings\all users\documents\school\nonlinear data structures\lab_5\graph.template(18) : error C2734: 'MAXIMUM' : const object must be initialized if not extern
    c:\documents and settings\all users\documents\school\nonlinear data structures\lab_5\graph.template(18) : error C2734: 'MAXIMUM' : const object must be initialized if not extern
    Error executing cl.exe.
    lab_5.exe - 6 error(s), 0 warning(s)
    seems it doesn't like the definition of MAXIMUM for some reason. here is the graph.h file where MAXIMUM is declared:

    #include <cstdlib>  // Provides size_t
    #include <set>      // Provides set
    namespace main_savitch_15
        template <class Item>
        class graph
            // MEMBER CONSTANTS
            const int MAXIMUM = 50;
            // CONSTRUCTOR
            graph( ) { many_vertices = 0; }
            void add_vertex(const Item& label);
            void add_edge(int source, int target, int weight);
            void remove_edge(int source, int target);
            Item& operator [ ] (int vertex);
            int size( ) const { return many_vertices; }
            int is_edge(int source, int target) const;
            std::set<int> neighbors(int vertex) const;
            Item operator[ ] (int vertex) const;
            int edges[MAXIMUM][MAXIMUM];
            Item labels[MAXIMUM];
            int many_vertices;
    #include "graph.template" // Include the implementation.
    we changed it to const int from static const int because the teacher said that VC++ before .NET had trouble with that or something... i tried changing it to static const int but got the same errors.

    here is the graph.template file if you want to check that out too:

    #include <cassert>    // Provides assert
    #include <set>        // Provides set
    namespace main_savitch_15
        template <class Item>
        const int graph<Item>::MAXIMUM;
        template <class Item>
        void graph<Item>::add_edge(int source, int target, int weight)
        // Library facilities used: cassert, cstdlib
            assert(source < size( ));
            assert(target < size( ));
            edges[source][target] = weight;
        template <class Item>
        void graph<Item>::add_vertex(const Item& label)
        // Library facilities used: cassert, cstdlib
            int new_vertex_number;
            int other_number;
            assert(size( ) < MAXIMUM);
            new_vertex_number = many_vertices;
            for (other_number = 0; other_number < many_vertices; ++other_number)
                edges[other_number][new_vertex_number] = 32768;
                edges[new_vertex_number][other_number] = 32768;
            labels[new_vertex_number] = label;
        template <class Item>
        int graph<Item>::is_edge(int source, int target) const
        // Library facilities used: cassert, cstdlib
            assert(source < size( ));
            assert(target < size( ));
            return edges[source][target]; //return "weight"
        template <class Item>
        Item& graph<Item>::operator[ ] (int vertex)
        // Library facilities used: cassert, cstdlib
            assert(vertex < size( ));
            return labels[vertex];     // Returns a reference to the label
        template <class Item>
        Item graph<Item>::operator[ ] (int vertex) const
        // Library facilities used: cassert, cstdlib
            assert(vertex < size( ));
            return labels[vertex];     // Returns only a copy of the label
        template <class Item>
        std::set<int> graph<Item>::neighbors(int vertex) const
        // Library facilities used: cassert, cstdlib, set
            std::set<int> answer;
            int i;
            assert(vertex < size( ));
            for (i = 0; i < size( ); ++i)
                if (edges[vertex][i])
            return answer;
        template <class Item>
        void graph<Item>::remove_edge(int source, int target)
        // Library facilities used: cassert, cstdlib
            assert(source < size( ));
            assert(target < size( ));
            edges[source][target] = 32768;

    any suggestions would be appreciated...

    [edit]sorry bout the long lines in the error code![/edit]
    Last edited by talz13; 11-23-2003 at 04:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    It would be nice if compilers let you declare constants that way, but as a class is a type, rather than a real phisical object, there is no there there to store the constant. The class definition is really just a discription of one of the ways you are planing on using memory. The constructor is where all the action happens. If you have a const member variable you must set it's value in the constructor via an initalizer list, and only via this list. This, of course, changes our compile-time const into a rather boring and wasteful ordinary const but there are some hacks to get around this.

    A static on the other hand is simply a global variable that the compiler will hide as if it were a member function or field, but it's still a global variable.

    The correct way to handle statics is to pick one place in all the files that will one day be linked into your program and declare the space for the static there. At that time, and only that time if it is const static, you can give it an inital value.

    // this can appear in as many compilation 
    // units as you want.
    template<class Item>
    class graph {
        static const int MAXIMUM;
    //These next lines can appear only ONCE 
    //amongst all the files that you link 
        template <class Item>
        const int graph<Item>::MAXIMUM=50;
    Hack #1 is to use an enum.
    class graph {
    enum { MAXIMUM=50 }
    Hack #2 is to use an int template paramiter with a resonable default. This actually verges on good programming, though a graph<int,20> and a graph<int,50> will be two completely different types.
    template<class Item, int MAXIMUM=50>
    class graph {...
    In both cases you can just use MAXIMUM as if it were a const int, except you cannot un_const it with const_cast<>.

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