Hey everyone, I'm a new member to this forum. I really like the interface, and I hope this forum can be my #1 key to learning C++

As far as the tutorials go, I'm currently reading them. But I might have questions along the way, so I hope no one minds me asking. I would also like to apologize if I seem to ask any specific questions in the future, because I like to know things 100%. I learn pretty fast, so you won't see the same question twice just as long as I get a good answer.

I look forward to a great time in the forums, and I uphold much respect for those experienced programmers. You are definitely a role model for me. I hope to be a great programmer soon.

To start things off, I give you my first question:

Concerning header files (the ones you bring into the program at the start via #include), how do I know which ones I need? Would it be possible to get a function list along with their descriptions for each library file? I don't know about you guys, but I think a list of functions and detailed descriptions/examples for each is essential in learning the language and it's possibilities. This is how I learned TI-Basic, because the book had an index of available functions and examples and descriptions for each! Anyhow, I hope you guys can answer!

Well, again, I really love the forum so far! Lots of useful information available to me! Thanks! Take it easy guys!