
I'm creating a program that needs to read in a filename from stdin, open it, and do some processing, then repeat the process until the user enters "quit." I get the first file processed fine, but it crashes when I try to open the second file. Actually, the program enter the if (! inFile) section of code even if the second filename is correct and the file exists. I think it's because the filestream is bad at the end of the first file. There must be some way to reuse the same file handle. Here is what I've got:
int main()
	ifstream inFile;
	string inFilename;
	Maze m1;

	cout << "Enter filename with stored maze or \"quit\" to end: ";

	cin >> inFilename;

	while(inFilename != "quit")
		// make sure input file was opened properly
		if (! inFile)
			cout << "Error opening file \"" << inFilename.c_str() << "\"\nProgram will now exit.\n";
			return 1;


		cout << "Enter filename with stored maze or \"quit\" to end: ";
		cin >> inFilename;

	return 0;
Any idea what I've got wrong? Thanks!