Thread: overloading << problems

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    overloading << problems


    I am trying to overload << as a friend class. As far as I understand, if class "a" declares "friend class b" then class b should be able to access all private and public members of class a, if this is incorrect then I have more problems than I thought. Otherwise, why doesn't this code work? The compiler error is :
    error C2248: 'emp_name' : cannot access private member declared in class 'employee'

    This is the relevant segment of the code:

    class employee
    	char *emp_name;
    	double rate, current_charge;
    	int current_job_hrs;
    	employee(double e_rt, char *e_nam="Able", int e_curr_hrs=0) 
    		: rate(e_rt), current_job_hrs(e_curr_hrs)
    		strcpy(emp_name, e_nam);
    		cout << "Consultant destructor called for "
    			 << *emp_name
    			 << " by Matt Rossner and Vic Uppal"
    			 << endl
    			 << endl;
    		delete emp_name;
    	void set_current_job_hrs(int hrs) { current_job_hrs = hrs; }
    	virtual void calc_charge() { current_charge = current_job_hrs * rate; }
    	friend ostream& operator <<(ostream& out, const employee& emp);
    class home_employee : public employee
    	double office_rate;
    	home_employee(char *he_name, double he_rt, double he_ofc_rt=5);
    	friend ostream& operator <<(ostream& out, const employee& emp)
    		out << "For home employee named "
    			<< emp.emp_name
    			<< "the charges so far are $"
    			<< emp.current_charge;
    		return out;
    home_employee::home_employee(char *he_name, double he_rt, double he_ofc_rt)
    	: employee(he_rt, he_name), office_rate(he_ofc_rt) {}
    ostream& operator <<(ostream& out, const home_employee& emp)
    	out << "For employee named "
    		<< emp.emp_name
    		<< "the charges so far are $"
    		<< emp.current_charge;
    	return out;
    Thanks for any help out there.

  2. #2
    Registered User Codeplug's Avatar
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    Looks like you are confusing a few things. Don't confuse the difference between a friend function and a friend object.

    All of the "operator <<()" functions are just that, functions - ie. not methods of any class. The compiler knows what to call by type matching on the functions parameters.

    This function is not declared as a friend of any object
    ostream& operator <<(ostream& out, const home_employee& emp)
    If you want this function to access non-public members of home_employee, then the function must be declared a friend in that class.

    If you want to use polymorphism for printing, then add something like this to your base class, then you only need to overload operator<<() once for the base class by simply calling print()
    virtual ostream& print(ostream &out) const;

  3. #3
    unleashed alphaoide's Avatar
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    Sep 2003
    Member or friend functions of a derived class do not have a direct access to private data of base class.

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Mar 2003
    thanks alot, I will make some modifications

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