hey, i'm a newbie, and by newbie meaning i've just downloaded my first compiler. i downloaded the Bloodshed Dev C++ (which i hear is a really good one) but i'm having a problem with it. i open up a new Console Applicatio, put in the sample code they gave:

#include <iostream.h>
int main()
  cout<<"The Compiler Works";
  return 0;
and clicked Execute-Compile. then hit Execute-Run. when i do that, a message comes up saying "project is not compiled" that's all the tutorial i was looking at told me to do, is there's something i'm missing. also, after i hit Execute-Compile, in the small table at the bottom of the window is says "Line: 2, File: C:\Dev-Cpp\... Message: unable to run program file" any help is appreciated, as i would really like to get past this very first step of learning C++