Thread: bug in my operator += overloading method?

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Unhappy bug in my operator += overloading method?

    Hi all,
    I've got an application that SIGSEGV a lot, and it always does so when I'm doing += with a string object. Now I've run "top" while my programming is running, and I don't see "free mem" run to zero, however the SIGSEGV is due to a malloc_consolidate leading back to my string's += method.
    There could certainly be a massive memory leak somewhere else in my program, but since it always shows up with += I've been trying to see if it's my string class that's causing the problem. Also, wouldn't "top" show "free mem" of 0 if it was a problem with memory?

    The malloc_consolidate always points to the "new" line below.

    Can anyone see any error in this code? It's all inline -- that shouldn't make a difference should it??
    class JString
             delete[] myCstring;
             myCstring = 0;
             myLength = 0;
          }; //end destructor
          //returns number of chars
          int length() const
             return strlen(myCstring);
          };  // end length()
          // postcondition: concatenates x onto object
          // assertion: fails if memory can't be allocated
          JString& operator +=(const JString & x)
             int lastLocation = length();           // location of '\0'
             int newLength = lastLocation + x.length(); // object + added JString
             char * copyStr = x.myCstring;          // copy this one
             char * delStr  = myCstring;            // delete this one
             bool doDelete = false;                 // delete old JString?
             // check to see if local buffer not big enough
             if (newLength >= myLength)
                char * newBuffer;
                newBuffer = new char[newLength + 1];  //<<<<<<<<<<-------- SIGSEGV here
                strcpy(newBuffer, myCstring); // copy into new buffer
                doDelete = true;
                myLength = newLength + 1;            // update information
                myCstring = newBuffer;
             } //end if
             // now catenate x to end of myCstring
             strcpy(myCstring + lastLocation, copyStr);
             if (doDelete)           // delete here for aliasing
    	    delete [] delStr;    // old JString
             } //end if
             return *this;
          }; //end +=
          //maximum length of JString read from input
          enum { maxLength = 1024 };
        char *   myCstring;  // private C-style JString
        int      myLength;   // length of ourselves
    }; //end class JString

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I only find one mistake
          JString& operator +=(const JString & x)
             int lastLocation = length();           // location of '\0'
             int newLength = lastLocation + x.length(); // object + added JString
             char * copyStr = x.myCstring;          // wrong!myCstring is a private data member,you can't access it directly 
             char * delStr  = myCstring;            // delete this one
             bool doDelete = false;                 // delete old JString?
             // check to see if local buffer not big enough
             if (newLength >= myLength)
                char * newBuffer;
                newBuffer = new char[newLength + 1];  //<<<<<<<<<<-------- SIGSEGV here
                strcpy(newBuffer, myCstring); // copy into new buffer
                doDelete = true;
                myLength = newLength + 1;            // update information
                myCstring = newBuffer;
             } //end if
             // now catenate x to end of myCstring
             strcpy(myCstring + lastLocation, copyStr);
             if (doDelete)           // delete here for aliasing
    	    delete [] delStr;    // old JString
             } //end if
             return *this;
          }; //end +=
    Nana C++ Library is a GUI framework that designed to be C++ style, cross-platform and easy-to-use.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    May 2003
    Originally posted by jinhao
    I only find one mistake
             char * copyStr = x.myCstring;          // wrong!myCstring is a private data member,you can't access it directly
    There is nothing wrong with that - you can access private members from the same class.

    The fact is, the problem probably lies elsewhere in the code. Segmentation faults in malloc_consolidate() usually occur when you're trying to allocate some memory after you've corrupted the heap. Check elsewhere in the code to make sure you're not double deleting objects or overwriting your array bounds.

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Jun 2003
    Thanks for the great feedback. I'll go back and review all my code -- I was concentrating only on where the crash occured. I'll let you know what I find.

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Jun 2003
    Just to resolve the thread in case anyone reads it in the future, I did find the problem, and it was an array index violation.

    I was doing something like
    char *data = new char [size];

    then much later

    data[size] = '\0';


    I found this by using MALLOC_CHECK_, which is a very cool thing. If you call your program 'myProgram' then add this env variable value in front of it, so you call it like this:

    prompt> MALLOC_CHECK_=1 ./myProgram

    then, it will tell you:
    free(): invalid pointer 0x78976
    etc., as the program executes, which is a very handy thing. Now, using gdb I haven't figured out how to find what line actually causes the problem, but by inserting strategic exit(0) calls into your code, you can run it and see if it exits before the "free(): invalid pointer" msg.

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