So we have an assigment in class to make a program that produces 100 random numbers prints the randoms to a txt then outputs the prime numbers. I am almost sure this code is working ut I am at my GF house and she has some getto C++ compiler can someone run this for me and see if I error. And if I do what is wrong ????

Thanks in advance !


int main()
int numx;
int i, max, p;
char stop;
ofstream outputfile ("randnums.txt");

srand(time(0)); //this will produce a new number after each execution.

int array[100];

for(int z = 0;z < 100; z++) // Produces 100 random numbers
numx = 1+rand()%250; // Numbers range from 1-250
outputfile << numx << endl; //inputs numbers into array


for(i = 0; i < 100; i++)
  max = sqrt(array[i]);
  bool prime = true;
  for(p = 2; (p <= max) && prime; p++)
	 if((p % array[i]) == 0)
	 prime = false;
  cout << array[i] << " ";

cin >> stop;

return 0;