I just started learning the C++ language. Right now I'm using the tutorial on this site and I got to the IF statements. I read the FAQ's and all they had on my problem was that the compilers in C++ don't recognize the codes or something like that until you press ENTER. My problem is this; I set my program up like this:
#include <iostream.h>			
int main()				//Most important part of the program!
  int age;				//Need a variable...
  cout<<"Please input your age: ";	//Asks for age
  cin>>age;				//The input is put in age
  if(age<100)				//If the age is less than 100
     cout<<"You are pretty young!";     //Just to show it works
  else if(age==100)		//I use else just to show an example 
     cout<<"You are old";		//Just to show you it works...
    cout<<"You are really old";	//Executed if no other statement is executed
  return 0;
When I press ENTER after putting in a number the window just closes and doesn't give me an answer. I am using BloodshedDev-C++ maybe I need a different one? Please help I just started doing this and this problem sort of stopped me.