Thread: error writing to file

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  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2002

    error writing to file

    I'm having trouble with arrays. In the following program, I can open the file and access the data ok, but when it writes back to the outfile it's messing up the data. The text file is an attachment.

    //customer class definition
    # include <iostream.h>
    # include <fstream.h>
    # include <iomanip.h>
    class cust
    	char	FirstNameId;
    	char	LastNameId;
    	int    num_of_recs;
    	int    ChkAcctId;
    	double ChkAcctBal;
    	char   Overdraft_flg;
    	int    SavAcctId;
    	double SavAcctBal;
    	double SvIntrst;
    	int    PIN;
    	void setFirstNameId		 (char FirstName)		   {FirstNameId = FirstName;};
    	void setLastNameId		(char LastName)			{LastNameId = LastName;};
    	void setChkActId     (int ChkId)           {ChkAcctId = ChkId;}; 
    	void setChkAcctBal   (double ChkBal)       {ChkAcctBal = ChkBal;}; 
    	void setOverdraft_flg(char Overd_flg)      {Overdraft_flg = Overd_flg;};
    	void setSavAcctId    (int SavId)           {SavAcctId = SavId;}; 
    	void setSavAcctBal   (double SavBal)       {SavAcctBal = SavBal;};
    	void setSvIntrst     (double SvIntrstRate) {SvIntrst = SvIntrstRate;};
    	void setPIN          (int PIN_num)         {PIN = PIN_num;};
    	void displayBalance  ();
    	void depos           (int selec, double depAmnt);
    	void withdrawl       (int selec, double withdrawalAmnt);
    	void transferFunds   (int transdirect, double transAmnt);
    	int  Cust_pin        ()                    {return PIN;};
    	char	getFirstNameId()					{return FirstNameId;};
    	char	getLastNameId()						{return LastNameId;};
    	int	   getChkActId   ()                    {return ChkAcctId;};
    	double getChkAcctBal  ()					   {return ChkAcctBal;};
    	char   getOverdraft_flg ()				   {return Overdraft_flg;};	
    	int    getSavAcctId  ()					   {return SavAcctId;}; 	
    	double getSavAcctBal ()					   {return SavAcctBal;};	
    	double getSvIntrst   ()					   {return SvIntrst;};
    //This function is used to display the balances when called.	
    void cust::displayBalance()
    	cout <<setprecision(2) <<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint);
    	cout <<endl<< "\t\t\tChecking Account Balance : $"<<ChkAcctBal<<endl;
    	cout << "\t\t\tSavings Account Balance  : $"<<SavAcctBal<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl
    	return ;
    //This function is designed to process deposits to accounts.  It recieves
    //the targeted account of transaction and the deposit amount. It calculates
    //the propare balance and sets new balance in array element.  A message is
    //displayed indicating the deposit has been made
    void cust::depos(int selec, double deposit)
    	if (selec == 2)
    		ChkAcctBal = ChkAcctBal + deposit;
    		cout <<setprecision(2) <<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint);
    		cout << "\t\t\tDeposited to Checking: $" <<deposit<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl
    	}//end if
    	if (selec == 1)
    		SavAcctBal = SavAcctBal + deposit;
    		cout <<setprecision(2) <<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint);
    		cout << "\t\t\tDeposited to Savings: $"<<deposit<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl
    	}//end if
    //This function handles all withdrawls from accounts.  It determines if withdrawal
    //will be permitted by checking if overdraft protection is 'Y' and balances on
    //checking accounts will be less then 0. If withdrawal is from savings account
    //function will determine whether it will result in a negative balance.  If so 
    //withdrawal will not be permitted.  Function then updates the array and displays
    //an appropriate message.
    void cust::withdrawl(int selec, double withdrawalAmnt)
    	if (selec == 1 && (SavAcctBal - withdrawalAmnt >= 0) )
    		SavAcctBal = SavAcctBal - withdrawalAmnt;
    		cout <<setprecision(2) <<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint);
    		cout <<endl<<"\t\t\tWithdrawal Successfull : $"<<withdrawalAmnt<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl
    	else if (selec == 1 && (SavAcctBal - withdrawalAmnt < 0) )
    		cout << "\t\t\tCannot Complete Transaction"<<endl<<endl;
    		cout <<endl<< "\t\t\t    Insufficient Funds"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl
    	}//end if
    	if (selec == 2 && (ChkAcctBal - withdrawalAmnt >= 0))
    		ChkAcctBal = ChkAcctBal - withdrawalAmnt;
    		cout <<setprecision(2) <<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint);
    		cout <<endl<<"\t\t\tWithdrawal Successfull : $"<<withdrawalAmnt<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl
    	else if (selec == 2 && (ChkAcctBal - withdrawalAmnt < 0) && Overdraft_flg == 'Y')
    		ChkAcctBal = ChkAcctBal - withdrawalAmnt;
    		cout <<setprecision(2) <<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint);
    		cout <<endl<<"\t\t\tWithdrawal Successfull : $"<<withdrawalAmnt<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl
    	else if (selec == 2 && (ChkAcctBal - withdrawalAmnt < 0) && Overdraft_flg == 'N')
    		cout <<"\t\t\tCannot Complete Transaction"<<endl<<endl;
    		cout <<endl<<"\t\t\t    Insufficient Funds"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl
    //This function handles all transfers between accounts.  It determines if transfer
    //will be permitted by checking if overdraft protection is 'Y' and balances on
    //checking accounts will be less then 0. If transfer is from savings account
    //function will determine whether it will result in a negative balance.  If so 
    //trnasfer will not be permitted.  Function then updates the array and displays
    //an appropriate message.
    void cust::transferFunds (int transdirect, double transAmnt)
    	if ( transdirect == 1 && (SavAcctBal - transAmnt >= 0))
    		SavAcctBal = SavAcctBal - transAmnt;
    		ChkAcctBal = ChkAcctBal + transAmnt;
    		cout <<setprecision(2) <<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint);
    		cout << "\t\t\t     Transfer Successful"<<endl<<endl;
    		cout << "\t\t\t$"<<transAmnt<<" Transferred into Checking"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl
    	else if (transdirect == 1 && (SavAcctBal - transAmnt < 0))
    		cout <<"\t\t\tCannot Complete Transaction"<<endl<<endl;
    		cout <<"\t\t\t   Insufficient Funds"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl
    	}//end if
    	if ( transdirect == 2 && (ChkAcctBal - transAmnt >= 0))
    		ChkAcctBal = ChkAcctBal - transAmnt;
    		SavAcctBal = SavAcctBal + transAmnt;
    		cout <<setprecision(2) <<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint);
    		cout << "\t\t\t     Transfer Successful"<<endl<<endl;
    		cout << "\t\t\t$"<<transAmnt<<" Transferred into Savings"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl
    	else if ( transdirect == 2 && (ChkAcctBal - transAmnt < 0) && Overdraft_flg == 'Y')
    		ChkAcctBal = ChkAcctBal - transAmnt;
    		SavAcctBal = SavAcctBal + transAmnt;
    		cout <<setprecision(2) <<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint);
    		cout << "\t\t\t       Transfer Successful"<<endl<<endl;;
    		cout << "\t\t\t$"<<transAmnt<<" Transferred into Savings"<<endl<<endl;
    		cout << "\t\t\tOverdraft Proctection Has Been Used"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl
    	else if ( transdirect == 2 && (ChkAcctBal - transAmnt < 0) && Overdraft_flg == 'N')
    		cout << "\t\t\tCannot Complete Transaction"<<endl<<endl;
    		cout << "\t\t\t    Insufficient Funds"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl
    //atm class definition
    #include <iostream.h>
    #include <fstream.h>
    #include <iomanip.h>
    class atm
    	int    pin;
    	int    transtype;
    	double amnt;
    	int	   transDirec;
    	int    accnt;
    	void   setpin();
    	int    getpin() {return pin;}; 
    	int    displayMenu();
    	int    getAcct();
    	double getAmnt();
    	int    getDirection();
    	void   clear();
    	void   incorrectPinDisp(int cntr);
    	char   ContinueDisp();
    	void   transCompleteDisp();
    	void   atmGoodbye();
    //this function displays the greeting message and prompts for the users
    //PIN number which is stored in the class.
    void atm::setpin()
    	cout <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl;
    	cout <<"\t\t\t------------------------"<<endl;
    	cout <<"\t\t\t-      Welcome To      -"<<endl;
    	cout <<"\t\t\t-  Latona Savings Bank -"<<endl;
    	cout <<"\t\t\t------------------------"<<endl<<endl;
    	cout <<"\t\t\tEnter your Pin Number: ";
    	cin  >>pin;
    //This function is called once the PIN number is verified against the
    //customer array.  It prompts user to select a transaction and returns 
    //the value back to main.  It is designed to keep prompting user until
    //a valid selection is made.
    int atm::displayMenu()
    	int selection =  0;
    	while (selection > 5 || selection < 1)
    		cout <<endl<< "\t\t\t1 - Display Balance"<<endl;
    		cout << "\t\t\t2 - Deposit"<<endl;
    		cout << "\t\t\t3 - Withdrawl"<<endl;
    		cout << "\t\t\t4 - Transfer Funds"<<endl;
    		cout << "\t\t\t5 - Exit"<<endl;
    		cout << "\t\t\t--------------------"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl
    		cout << "\t\t\tSelect a Transaction: ";
    		cin  >>selection;
    		cout <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl;
    		if (selection == 1 || selection == 2 || selection == 3
    			|| selection == 4 || selection == 5)
    			cout <<endl<< "\t\t\tInvalid Selection"<<endl;
    			cout << "\t\t\tSelect 1 through 5 : ";
    			cin  >> selection;
    		}//end if
    	}//end while
    	transtype = selection;
    	return selection;
    //This function is designed to get the target account for the selected 
    //transaction and return the value back to main.  It will Prompt for
    //target account and validate selection. If selection is not correct
    //it will continue to prompt until valid selection is made.
    int atm::getAcct()
    	int    acnttype = 0;
    	while (acnttype < 1 || acnttype > 2)
    	cout <<endl<< "\t\t\t1 - Savings"<<endl;
    	cout << "\t\t\t2 - Checking"<<endl;
    	cout << "\t\t\t-------------"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl
    	cout << "\t\t\tSelect Account : ";
    	cin  >>acnttype;
    	cin.ignore(100, '\n');
    	if (acnttype == 1 || acnttype == 2)
    		cout <<endl<< "\t\t\tInvalid Selection"<<endl;
    		cout << "\t\t\tEnter 1 or 2 : ";
    		cin  >>acnttype;
    		cin.ignore(100, '\n');
    	}//end if
    	}//end while
    	accnt = acnttype;
    	return acnttype;
    //This function prompts for an amount for the transaction and returns the 
    //value back to main for further processing.
    double atm::getAmnt()
    	double amount = (float) 0.0;
    	cout <<"\t\t\tPlease Enter Transaction Amount"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl
    	cout << "\t\t\tAmount : $";
    	cin  >>amount;
    	amnt = amount;
    	return amount;
    //This function prompts the user for a transaction direction to be used in
    //determining which direction a transfer should go.  User is prompted until
    //a valid selection is made.
    int atm::getDirection()
    	int direct = 0;
    	while (direct < 1 || direct > 2)
    	cout << "\t\t\t1 - Savings to Checking"<<endl<<endl;
    	cout << "\t\t\t2 - Checking to Savings"<<endl<<endl;
    	cout << "\t\t\t-----------------------"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl
    	cout << "\t\t\tEnter a Selection : ";
    	cin  >>direct;
    	cin.ignore(100, '\n');
    	if (direct == 1 || direct == 2)
    		cout <<endl<< "Re-Enter selection 1 or 2"<<endl<<endl;
    	}//end if
    	}//end while
    	transDirec = direct;
    	return direct;
    //This function is called when an incorrect PIN number is entered.  If
    //an incorrect number is entered three times it will inform the user
    //that they have entered three incorrect PIN numbers and program will 
    void atm::incorrectPinDisp(int cntr)
    	if (cntr < 3)
    	{   cout <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl;
    	    cout <<"\t\t\t------------------------"<<endl;
    	    cout <<"\t\t\t-      Welcome To      -"<<endl;
    	    cout <<"\t\t\t-  Latona Savings Bank -"<<endl;
    	    cout <<"\t\t\t------------------------"<<endl<<endl;
    		cout <<endl<< "\t\t    Incorrect PIN, Please Re-Enter :";
    		cout << "\t\t\tYou Have Entered 3 Incorrect Pin Numbers\n"<<endl;
    		cout << "\t\t\t        Please Contact Your Bank"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl
    	}//end if
    //this function Prompts the user for a yes or no answer to continue and returns
    //the value back to main to be evaluated.
    char atm::ContinueDisp()
    	char cont = 'Y';
    	cout <<endl<<"\t\t\tWould You Like Another Transaction? Y/N : ";
    	cin  >>cont;
    	return cont;
    //This function is called when the user terminates the session by choosing 
    // 'n' to continue or option 5 on the main menu.
    void atm::atmGoodbye()
    	cout <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl;
    	cout <<"\t\t\t------------------------"<<endl;
    	cout <<"\t\t\t-      Thank You       -"<<endl;
    	cout <<"\t\t\t-  For Banking With Us -"<<endl;
    	cout <<"\t\t\t-  Latona Savings Bank -"<<endl;
    	cout <<"\t\t\t------------------------"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl
    //This function is used to clea the screen when called.
    void atm::clear()
    # include <iostream.h>
    # include <fstream.h>
    # include <stdlib.h>
    //# include "atm.h"
    //# include "customer.h"
    void main()
    	int menuSelec        = 0;
    	int pinHolder        = 0;
    	int ArrayNum         = 1;
    	int cntr             = 1;
    	int selection        = 0;
    	int transferDirec    = 0;
        double depAmnt       = (float) 0.0;
        double withdrawlAmnt = (float) 0.0;
    	double transferAmnt  = (float) 0.0;
    	char ContSw          = 'Y';
    	//opens infile, checks if opened correctly.
    	//if open fails message is displayed.
    	ifstream custFile;"bank.txt");
    		if (
    			cout << "Unable to Access Bank Records"<<endl;
    		};//end if
    	//opens output file, checks if opened correctly.
    	//if opens fails message is displayed.
    	ofstream custUpdate;"recordUpdate.txt");
    		if (
    			cout << "Error Opening Outfile"<<endl;
    		};//end if
    	int numrecs = 0;
    	custFile >> numrecs;
    	cust custArray[50];
    	atm atm;
    	char	FirstName[25];
    	char	LastName[25];
    	int    ChkId;
    	double ChkBal;
    	char   Overd_flg;
    	int    SavId;
    	double SavBal;
    	double SvIntrstRate;
    	int    PIN_num;
    	//Arry is filled with data from the infile.  when finished
    	//infile is closed.
    	int x = 0; 
    	int y = 0;
    	while (custFile >> FirstName >> LastName >>ChkId>> ChkBal  >>Overd_flg >> SavId
    		>> SavBal >>  SvIntrstRate >>  PIN_num )
    	//main function calls atm class to prompt user for pin
    	//pin is then returned and vallidated against the customer
    	//class array using the while loop below.
    	pinHolder = atm.getpin();
    	x = 0;
    	while (cntr < 4)
    		for ( x = 0; x < numrecs; x++)
    			if (pinHolder  == custArray[x].Cust_pin())
    				 ArrayNum = x;
    				 cntr = 4;
    			}//end if
    		}//end for
    		  if ( x == numrecs)
    				if (cntr < 3)
    					cin >> pinHolder;
    				}//end if
    		 }//end if
    	}//end while
    	//Once Pin Number is validated, a do-while loop is used to call the 
    	//atm classes menu function to determine what transactions the 
    	//user would like to perform. A switch statement determines what
    	//functions will be called.
    		if (toupper(ContSw) == 'Y')
    		 menuSelec = atm.displayMenu();
    		else if (toupper(ContSw) == 'N' || menuSelec == 5)
    		  switch (menuSelec)
    		   case 1:
    			ContSw = atm.ContinueDisp();
    		   case 2:
    		    selection = atm.getAcct();
    		    depAmnt = atm.getAmnt();
    		    custArray[ArrayNum].depos( selection, depAmnt);
    			ContSw = atm.ContinueDisp();
    		   case 3:
    			selection = atm.getAcct();
    		    withdrawlAmnt = atm.getAmnt();
    		    custArray[ArrayNum].withdrawl( selection, withdrawlAmnt);
    			ContSw = atm.ContinueDisp();
    		   case 4:
    			transferDirec = atm.getDirection();
    			transferAmnt = atm.getAmnt();
    			custArray[ArrayNum].transferFunds (transferDirec, transferAmnt);
    			ContSw = atm.ContinueDisp();
    		   case 5:
    		  }//end case
    	}while (menuSelec != 5);
    	//the following 'if' statement is used to evaluate the continue switch
    	//and case selection.  if conditions are true the 'for' loop writes the 
    	//updated array to the outfile and the outfile is closed. Program then 
    	if (toupper (ContSw) == 'N' || menuSelec == 5)
    			custUpdate <<numrecs<<endl<<endl;
    			for ( x = 0; x < numrecs; x++)
    			{	FirstName[y] = custArray[x].getFirstNameId();
    				LastName[y] = custArray[x].getLastNameId();
    				ChkId = custArray[x].getChkActId();
    				ChkBal= custArray[x].getChkAcctBal();
    				Overd_flg = custArray[x].getOverdraft_flg();
    				SavId = custArray[x].getSavAcctId();
    				SavBal = custArray[x].getSavAcctBal();
    				SvIntrstRate = custArray[x].getSvIntrst();
    				PIN_num = custArray[x].Cust_pin();
    				custUpdate <<setprecision(2)<<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint);
    				custUpdate <<FirstName << "	" << LastName << "	" << ChkId <<" "<<ChkBal<<" "<<Overd_flg<<" "<<SavId
    					<<" "<<SavBal<<" "<<SvIntrstRate<<"	"<<PIN_num<<endl<<endl;
    			}//end for
    	}//end if
    }//end of main function

  2. #2
    unleashed alphaoide's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Well, I'm speechless seeing millions lines of codes.

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2002
    thought it would be helpful if you had the code to run and see what it was doing.....

  4. #4
    ¡Amo fútbol!
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    How is it messing up the data?

  5. #5
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2002
    The names are coming out gargled, with only one field (either first or last name) and not both (first and last name), and the rest of the fields are re-formatting so for instance instead of 120,249.20 for the balance, it's showing .20. I know my arrays are off, but I don't know how to fix it, i have a hard time with arrays.

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