I'm trying to take the population of a town which increases by 10% each year and determine how long until population = 10,001.

I had it working until I decided to put in the last cout statement that recalls the original input value of the population.

Is there a way to do that?

**Please note: I am not asking anyone to do my homework for me, I would just like a point in the right direction. Thanks.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

//Functions used ...(function prototypes)
void instructions ();	
int calculations ();
int numYears;
int population;
int populationTotal;
float rate;


int main ()
                instructions ();
	calculations ();

	cout << endl;
	return 0;


void instructions ()
	cout << "This program determines the number "
	        << "of years it will take for a "
	        << "town's population" 
	        << "to reach more than 10,001 at a growth rate "
	        << "of 10% per year." << endl << endl;


int calculations ()
	cout << "Please enter the current population: ";
	cin >> population;

	rate = 1.1;
	for (int numYears = 0; populationTotal <= 10001; numYears++)
		populationTotal = populationTotal * rate;

	populationTotal = population * 1;

	cout << "With an initial population of "
	        << population
	        << ", it will take "
	        << numYears
	        << " years" << endl;
	cout << "for the population to become "
	        << "more than 10,001." << endl << endl;
		return 0;