This is so great! This is a great board, a lot of helpful people here and I look forward to learning a lot here. I just finished "Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days", so I'm not a complete newb, but I definately need to learn a lot more. So everyone prepare for my MANY MANY questions!

Heres a question to get things rolling

//  Triangle computation program

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, int *argv[])
    int a, b, c;
  //cout << argch[0];
  cout << "\n";
  cout << argv[1];
  cout << argv[2];
  cout << argv[3];

  if (argc > 4 || (argc < 4 && argc > 1))
     cout << "Invalid number of sides.\n";
     cout << "Implementation: <filename> sideA sideB sideC\n";

  if (argc == 4)
    a = argv[1];
    b = argv[2];
    c = argv[3];
     cout << "Calculating based on given arguments.\n";

  if(argc == 1)
    cout << "Enter side 1: ";
    cin >> a;
    cout << "Enter side 2: ";
    cin >> b;
    cout << "Enter side 3: ";
    cin >> c;
    cout << "Calculating...\n";

    if ( a == b && a == c && b == c )
       cout << "This is an equilateral Triangle.\n\b";

    if ( (a == b && a !=c) ||
         (a == c && a !=b) ||
         (b == c && b !=a) )
         cout << "This is an isocles Triangle.\n\b";
    if ( ((a*a)+(b*b)== (c*c)) ||
         ((b*b)+(c*c)== (a*a)) ||
         ((c*c)+(a*a)== (b*b)) )
         cout << "This is a right triangle.\n\b";
        cout << "Please check the numbers and try again!\n";

    return 0;
The only thing I couldn't get to work is for this program to use integers it receives from the command line. How can I get this to work? Thanks.