My code compiles and runs but it gives the number of the menu item I've chosen and is not assigning it a value ie.. square. Each time the variable shapeSelected comes up I need it to say the value of square, circle, etc., not 1, 2, or 3. Hope you understand what I'm trying to say. I know it's something simple and was hoping someone could help me where I'm messing up. Excuse my newbiness to the language, but I'm trying. Thanks for any help.
__________________________________________________ _
/*  Computes the area of a user selected shape (square, circle, or 
    equilateral triangle) when given any number as a length for the 
    Variable X which is also assigned by the user.


using namespace std;

int main ()
    double lengthX;
    double shapeArea;
    int shapeSelected;
    char square;
    char circle;
    char equilTriangle;

    cout << "This program will give you the area of the shape slected \n"
         << "(Circle, Square, or Equilateral Triangle) based on any given \n"
         << "length of the Variable X, which you, the user will provide. \n"
         << "\n"
         << "\n";
    cout << "Please enter a length for the Variable X:";

    cin >> lengthX;
    cout << "\n";
    cout << "1 - Square" << endl;
    cout << "2 - Circle" << endl;
    cout << "3 - Equilateral Triangle" << endl;
    cout << "\n";
    cout << "\n";
    cout << "Please look at the above men and enter the number that \n"
         << "corresponds to the shape you would like to compute the  \n"
         << "area of:";
    cin >> shapeSelected;

    if      (shapeSelected == 1)
            square = shapeSelected;
    else if (shapeSelected == 2)
            circle = shapeSelected;
    else if (shapeSelected == 3)
            equilTriangle = shapeSelected;

//  Calculates the area of chosen shape.

    if      (square == shapeSelected)
            shapeArea = (lengthX * lengthX);
    else if (circle == shapeSelected)
            shapeArea = (3.14) * (lengthX * lengthX);
    else if (equilTriangle == shapeSelected)
            shapeArea = ((sqrt(3)/4)) * (lengthX * lengthX);  
    cout << "The length you chose for Variable X is:" << lengthX;
    cout << "\n";
    cout << "The shape you selected to get the area of was a/an:" << shapeSelected;
    cout << "\n";
    cout << "The area of the" << shapeSelected << "is:" << shapeArea << endl;
    return 0;