I need help with a class project, I need it to be functions and I really don't understand how to use cin.ignore and cin.get with an input file, but here goes the program is going to process a text file, I pretty much understand that part, and output the data as is so that is easy. The part that I am having trouble with is how to process blanks or white spaces so the the output file will count the number of words on a line the number of lines and the number of paragraphs. I understand the it should read the characters and skip them if they are not blanks so that it can count the words. The extraction operator >> skips blanks so I know that I need to use cin.ignore I would think so that when it comes to a character it will ignore it and read only the blanks so that it can count the words, but how would it count the lines and paragraphs? I also know that I need a counter. so can someone give me some guidence on how to use cin.ignore so it can ignore lines with charaters on it to count the number of lines in a paragraph??? thanks in advance