Thread: ANY BODY WILLING TO HELP ME WITH Microsoft Visual C++

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  1. #1
    BiG pImPiN fOoL

    Unhappy ANY BODY WILLING TO HELP ME WITH Microsoft Visual C++

    anyone who has expierience can help me, just lead me through like a simple pong game or something but just please help me use it!!!((have atleast msn messenger or AIM)) Reply if your willing to help. I am only 12 but i understand and have some expierience with c++ programming but not alot but the point is JUST HELP ME!!!!

  2. #2
    BiG pImPiN fOoL

    oh yeah.....

    my email is [email protected] ((for msn messenger)) and my AIM nick is DoggieDo360

  3. #3


    PLEASE HELP ME!! IF YOU CAN JUST IM ME W/ EITHER MSN MESSENGER(([email protected]))OR AIM((DoggieDo360))

  4. #4

  5. #5
    "The Oldest Member Here" Xterria's Avatar
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    Buffalo, NY
    hey its me DoggieDo, Goten1356...
    I am also 12 years old and I too use Microsoft Visual C++.

    There are two types of main programs, DOS, and Windows. DOS Compilers can make DOS programs, and console programs. The difference between Console and DOS is that DOS can go into somthing called Graphics Mode. Graphics Mode is what all games are made in with DOS. Your text enlarges, and you can display pictures and such. With windows, you can make Console programs and Windows programs. Microsoft Visual C++ is a windows compiler. You can make great Windows Applications!
    I am currently making a windows game. You can play music in a resource, which means you don't need another file to play the music! Microsoft Visual C++, or just windows compilers, have great advantages.

  6. #6
    BiG pImPiN fOoL
    ok, im using bloodshed(dev C++) because i don't know where to download the DJGP thing. How do you get into the video mode and how do you add bitmaps?

  7. #7
    "The Oldest Member Here" Xterria's Avatar
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    its not called video mode, its graphics mode. anyway, BloodShed is a windows compiler. Sorry! here, somewhere on my old site i have Borland C++ 3.1, which is 100% DOS.

    do not tell anyone about my old site, its embarissing.

  8. #8
    BiG pImPiN fOoL
    Ok i got it, now how do you get onto graphic mode?

  9. #9
    "The Oldest Member Here" Xterria's Avatar
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    Buffalo, NY
    If you know how to compile in Borland 3.1, then print out some text. Looks the same when you run it, right? now, in graphics mode, it should look alot cooler. type this in main():

    mov ax, 13h
    int 10h

    copy that exactly.

  10. #10
    "The Oldest Member Here" Xterria's Avatar
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    Buffalo, NY
    #include <iostream.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    int main()
         mov ax, 13h
         int 10h
    cout << "This is text" << endl;
    that should work

  11. #11
    BiG pImPiN fOoL
    How do you add a bitmap?

  12. #12
    "The Oldest Member Here" Xterria's Avatar
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    Sep 2001
    Buffalo, NY
    since the code in the FAQ doesn't work, I'll post this. This will load a GIF file and display it. Not animated!!!!

    #include <conio.h>
    #include <iostream.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
      struct GIFHeader {
        char          Signature [7];
        unsigned int  ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight;
        unsigned char Depth, Background, Zero;
      struct GIFDescriptor {
        char          Separator;
        unsigned int  ImageLeft, ImageTop, ImageWidth, ImageHeight;
        unsigned char Depth;
      char far *Screen = (char far *)0xA0000000L;
      //For loading from the file
      FILE                 *GIFFile;
      unsigned int         BPointer;
      unsigned char        Buffer [257];
      //GIF data is stored in blocks of a certain size
      unsigned char        BlockSize;
      //For loading the code
      unsigned char        CodeSize;
      char                 BitsIn;
      unsigned char        Temp;
      unsigned int         X, Y, tlX, tlY, brX, brY;
      //The string table
      unsigned int         Prefix [4096];
      unsigned char        Suffix [4096];
    //This sets the display to VGA 320x200 in 256 colours
    void VGAScreen ()
      asm {
        mov ax, 0x13
        int 0x10
    //This resets the display to text mode
    void TextScreen ()
      asm {
        mov ax, 0x3
        int 0x10
    //This sets a DAC register to a specific Red Green Blue-value
    void SetDAC(unsigned char DAC, unsigned char R, unsigned char G, unsigned char B)
      outportb (0x3C8, DAC);
      outportb (0x3C9, R);
      outportb (0x3C9, G);
      outportb (0x3C9, B);
    //This sets one pixel on the screen
    void PutPixel (unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned char c)
      Screen [(y << 8) + (y << 6) + x] = c;
    //Function to read from the buffer
    unsigned char LoadByte ()
      //Read next block}
      if (BPointer == BlockSize) {
        fread (Buffer, BlockSize + 1, 1, GIFFile);
        BPointer = 0;
      //Return byte
      return Buffer [BPointer++];
    //Procedure to read the next code from the file
    unsigned int ReadCode ()
      int           Counter;
      unsigned int  Code;
      Code = 0;
      //Read the code, bit by bit
      for (Counter = 0; Counter < CodeSize; Counter++) {
        //Maybe, a new byte needs to be loaded with a further 8 bits
        if (++BitsIn == 9) {
          Temp = LoadByte ();
          BitsIn = 1;
        //Add the current bit to the code
        if (Temp & 1) Code += 1 << Counter;
        Temp >>= 1;
      return Code;
    //Procedure to draw a pixel
    void NextPixel (unsigned int c)
      //Actually draw the pixel on screen
      PutPixel (X, Y, c & 255);
      //Move to next row, if necessary
      if (++X == brX) {
        X = tlX;
    //Local function to output a string. Returns the first character.
    unsigned char OutString (unsigned int CurCode)
      unsigned int  OutCount;
      unsigned char OutCode [1024];
      //If it's a single character, output that
      if (CurCode < 256) {
        NextPixel (CurCode);
      } else {
        OutCount = 0;
        //Store the string, which ends up in reverse order
        do {
          OutCode [OutCount++] = Suffix [CurCode];
          CurCode = Prefix [CurCode];
        } while (CurCode > 255);
        //Add the last character
        OutCode [OutCount++] = CurCode;
        //Output all the string, in the correct order
        do {
          NextPixel (OutCode [--OutCount]);
        } while (OutCount);
      //Return 1st character
      return CurCode;
    //This actually loads the GIF
    void LoadGIF (char *Filename)
      //For loading from the GIF file
      struct GIFHeader     Header;
      struct GIFDescriptor Descriptor;
      //Colour information
      unsigned char        BitsPerPixel,
      unsigned int         DAC;
      unsigned char        Palette [256][3];
      //For indexing the string table
      unsigned int         FirstFree, FreeCode;
      //All the code information
      unsigned char        InitCodeSize;
      unsigned int         Code, OldCode, MaxCode;
      //Special codes
      unsigned int         ClearCode, EOICode;
      //Check whether the GIF file exists, and open it
      GIFFile = fopen (Filename, "rb");
      if (GIFFile == 0) {
        TextScreen ();
        printf ("Could not open file %s", Filename);
      //Read header
      fread (&Header, 6, 1, GIFFile);
      Header.Signature [6] = 0;
      fread (&Header.ScreenWidth, sizeof (Header) - 7, 1, GIFFile);
      //Check signature and terminator
      if ((strcmp (Header.Signature, "GIF87a")
        && strcmp (Header.Signature, "GIF89a"))
        || Header.Zero) {
        TextScreen ();
        printf ("Not a valid GIF file\n");
      //Get amount of colours in image
      BitsPerPixel = 1 + (Header.Depth & 7);
      NumOfColours = (1 << BitsPerPixel) - 1;
      //Load global colour map
      fread (Palette, 3, (NumOfColours + 1), GIFFile);
      for (DAC = 0; DAC <= NumOfColours; DAC++)
        SetDAC (DAC, Palette [DAC][0] >> 2,
                     Palette [DAC][1] >> 2,
                     Palette [DAC][2] >> 2);
      //Load the image descriptor
      fread (&Descriptor, sizeof (Descriptor), 1, GIFFile);
      if (Descriptor.Separator != ',') {
        TextScreen ();
        printf ("Incorrect image descriptor.\n");
      //Get image corner coordinates
      tlX = Descriptor.ImageLeft;
      tlY = Descriptor.ImageTop;
      brX = tlX + Descriptor.ImageWidth;
      brY = tlY + Descriptor.ImageHeight;
      //Some restrictions apply
      if (Descriptor.Depth & 128) {
        TextScreen ();
        printf ("Local colour maps not supported\n");
      if (Descriptor.Depth & 64) {
        TextScreen ();
        printf ("Interlaced images not supported\n");
      //Get initial code size
      fread (&CodeSize, 1, 1, GIFFile);
      //GIF data is stored in blocks, so it's necessary to know the size
      fread (&BlockSize, 1, 1, GIFFile);
      //Start loader
      BPointer = BlockSize;
      //Special codes used in the GIF spec
      ClearCode        = 1 << CodeSize;     //Code to reset
      EOICode          = ClearCode + 1;     //End of file
      //Initialize the string table
      FirstFree        = ClearCode + 2;     //Strings start here
      FreeCode         = FirstFree;         //Strings can be added here
      //Initial size of the code and its maximum value
      InitCodeSize     = ++CodeSize;
      MaxCode          = 1 << CodeSize;
      BitsIn = 8;
      //Start at top left of image
      X = Descriptor.ImageLeft;
      Y = Descriptor.ImageTop;
      do {
        //Read next code
        Code = ReadCode ();
        //If it's an End-Of-Information code, stop processing
             if (Code == EOICode) break;
        //If it's a clear code...
        else if (Code == ClearCode) {
          //Clear the string table
          FreeCode = FirstFree;
          //Set the code size to initial values
          CodeSize = InitCodeSize;
          MaxCode  = 1 << CodeSize;
          //The next code may be read
          Code = ReadCode ();
          OldCode = Code;
          //Set pixel
          NextPixel (Code);
        //Other codes
        } else {
          /*If the code is already in the string table, it's string is displayed,
          and the old string followed by the new string's first character is
          added to the string table.*/
          if (Code < FreeCode)
            Suffix [FreeCode] = OutString (Code);
          else {
          /*If it is not already in the string table, the old string followed by
          the old string's first character is added to the string table and
            Suffix [FreeCode] = OutString (OldCode);
            NextPixel (Suffix [FreeCode]);
          //Finish adding to string table
          Prefix [FreeCode++] = OldCode;
          //If the code size needs to be adjusted, do so
          if (FreeCode >= MaxCode && CodeSize < 12) {
            MaxCode <<= 1;
          //The current code is now old
          OldCode = Code;
      } while (Code != EOICode);
      //Close the GIF file
      fclose (GIFFile);
    void main (int argcount, char *argvalue[])
      char FileName [80];
      //Check if a filename was passed as a parameter, otherwise ask for one
      if (argcount > 1) {
        strcpy (FileName, argvalue [1]);
      } else {
        printf ("Enter filename:");
        gets (FileName);
      //Switch to graphics screen
      VGAScreen ();
      //Load GIF file
      LoadGIF (FileName);
      //Wait for keypress
      getch ();
      //Switch back to text mode
      TextScreen ();
    Steven H. Don Helped me with this one.

  13. #13
    Registered User dirkduck's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    hehe, dont start with graphics big pimpin fool . learn the basics first.

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