hey there, im having some trouble with the "friends". When i compile this piece of code on msvc++ it gives me errors, when it really shouldnt. Is there something that has to be done to correct it?

#ifndef H_videoType
#define H_videoType

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class videoType 
	friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const videoType&);

    void setVideoInfo(string title, string star1, 
                      string star2, string producer, 
                      string director, string productionCo, 
                      int setInStock);
	    //Function to set the details of a video. 
		//Private data members are set according to the parameters.
		//Postcondition: videoTitle = title; movieStar1 = star1;  
		//               movieStar2 = star2; movieProducer = 
		//               producer; movieDirector = director; 
		//               movieProductionCo = productionCo; 
		//               copiesInStock = setInStock

    int getNoOfCopiesInStock() const;
	    //Function to check the number of copies in stock. 
	    //Postcondition: The value of the data member 
 	    //               copiesInStock is returned.     

	void checkOut();
	    //Function to rent a video. 
	    //Postcondition: The number of copies in stock is 
        //               decremented by one.

    void checkIn();
	    //Function to check in a video. 
	    //Postcondition: The number of copies in stock is 
 	    //               incremented by one.     

	void printTitle() const;
	    //Function to print the title of a movie.   

	void printInfo() const;
	    //Function to print the details of a video.
	    //The title of the movie, stars, director, and so on are
	    //displayed on the screen.

     bool checkTitle(string title);
	     //Function to check whether the title is the same as the
		//title of the video.
	    //Postcondition: Returns true if the title is the same as 
 	    //               the title of the video; 
		//                otherwise, returns false.   

	 void updateInStock(int num);
	    //Function to increment the number of copies in stock by 
	    //adding the value of the parameter num.
	    //Postcondition: copiesInStock = copiesInStock  + num     

	 void setCopiesInStock(int num);
	    //Function to set the number of copies in stock.
	    //Postcondition: copiesInStock = num

    string getTitle() const;
	    //Function to return the title of the video.
 	    //Postcondition: The title of the video is returned.

     videoType(string title = "", string star1 = "", 
              string star2 = "", string producer = "", 
              string director = "", string productionCo = "", 
      	      int setInStock = 0);
	     //Private data members are set according to the 
 	     //incoming parameters. If no values are specified, the 
 	     //default values are assigned.
		//Postcondition: videoTitle = title; movieStar1 = star1; 
		//               movieStar2 = star2; movieProducer = producer;
		//               movieDirector = director;
		//               movieProductionCo = productionCo;
		//               copiesInStock = setInStock

	    //Overloads the relational operators.
    bool operator==(const videoType&) const;
    bool operator!=(const videoType&) const;
    bool operator<(const videoType&) const;
        //operator< must be defined for videos in order for 
        //the sort function to work

    string videoTitle;		//variable to store the name 
  							//of the movie
    string movieStar1;		//variable to store the name 
 							//of the star
    string movieStar2;		//variable to store the name 
 							//of the star 
    string movieProducer;   //variable to store the name 
  							//of the producer 
    string movieDirector;   //variable to store the name 
                            //of the director 
    string movieProductionCo;  //variable to store the name 
                               //of the production company 
    int copiesInStock; 		//variable to store the number of 
 							//copies in stock

.cpp file
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>
#include "videoType.h"

using namespace std;

void videoType::setVideoInfo(string title, string star1,  				    
							 string star2, string producer,  				    
							 string director, string productionCo, 				    
							 int setInStock) 
	videoTitle = title; 	     
	movieStar1 = star1;
	movieStar2 = star2;
	movieProducer = producer;
	movieDirector = director;
	movieProductionCo = productionCo;
	copiesInStock = setInStock;

void videoType::checkOut()
	if(copiesInStock > 0)
	   cout<<"Currently out of stock"<<endl;

void videoType::checkIn()

int videoType::getNoOfCopiesInStock() const
	return copiesInStock;

void videoType::printTitle() const
    cout<<"Video Title: "<<videoTitle<<endl;

void videoType::printInfo() const
	cout<<"Video Title: "<<videoTitle<<endl;
	cout<<"Stars: "<<movieStar1<<" and "<<movieStar2<<endl;
	cout<<"Producer: "<<movieProducer<<endl;
	cout<<"Director: "<<movieDirector<<endl;
	cout<<"Production Company: "<<movieProductionCo<<endl;
	cout<<"Copies in stock: "<<copiesInStock<<endl;

bool videoType::checkTitle(string title)
	return(videoTitle == title);

void videoType::updateInStock(int num)
	copiesInStock += num;

void videoType::setCopiesInStock(int num)
	 copiesInStock = num;

string videoType::getTitle() const
	 return videoTitle;

videoType::videoType(string title, string star1, 
     	             string star2, string producer, 
       	             string director,
	                 string productionCo, int setInStock)
	setVideoInfo(title, star1, star2, producer, director,
			     productionCo, setInStock);

bool videoType::operator==(const videoType& other) const
    return (videoTitle == other.videoTitle);

bool videoType::operator!=(const videoType& other) const
	return (videoTitle != other.videoTitle);

bool videoType::operator<(const videoType& other) const
	return (videoTitle < other.videoTitle);

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const videoType& video)
	os<<"Video Title: "<<video.videoTitle<<endl;
	os<<"Stars: "<<video.movieStar1<<" and "
	os<<"Producer: "<<video.movieProducer<<endl;
	os<<"Director: "<<video.movieDirector<<endl;
	os<<"Production Company: "<<video.movieProductionCo<<endl;
	os<<"Copies in stock: "<<video.copiesInStock<<endl;
	return os;