i know you guys are going to hate me for posting the code for this function, if not because its convoluted, simply because its long. but here is some background:

this function is designed to be able to find a random meandering path between two points on a map ( for drawing roads, rivers, etc...). the mapInfo is a 2D array of intergers holding the terrain type of each square on the map, and MOUNTAIN, DESERT and so forth are all just #define-d ints.

it compiles with no errors, and gives me no errors when its running, but the function never returns.

so thats the last thing im going to say before posting my code, because i know only a handful of brave individuals will make it all the way to the bottom of it. i heavily commented it for somewhat ease of reading. if you can tell me why this doesnt work like i expect it to, it would be greatly appreciated...

// make a path of a certain type of terrain connecting two points
// do not read this function if you have had trouble sleeping or have
// a history of heart problems or depression
void Map::makePath( int terrain, COORD source, COORD dest )
	// uh oh... its linked list time...
	struct node
		int x;
		int y;
		node * next;
	} sourceNode;

	sourceNode.x = source.X;
	sourceNode.y = source.Y;
	sourceNode.next = 0;

	node * current = &sourceNode;

	// find our way through the mountains and deserts 
	while (  current->x != dest.X && current->y != dest.Y  )
		// add a node to our search list
		node * temp = new node;

		if ( !sourceNode.next )
			sourceNode.next = temp;
			current = temp;
			current->next = 0;
			current->next = temp;
			current = temp;
			current->next = 0;

		// 50% chance to change the y direction (unless we are already directly over/under our destination)
		if ( rand() % 2 && current->y != dest.Y)
			// if we are below where we want to go...
			if ( source.Y > dest.Y )
				// set this node up
				current->y = source.Y - 1;
				current->x = source.X;
				// hold our current location
				int tempY = current->y;

				// if we are now on a mountain or desert, find a way around it
				if ( mapInfo[current->y][source.X] == MOUNTAIN || mapInfo[current->y][source.X] == DESERT )
					// go up until you hit the top of the map, or a good square
					while ( tempY > 0 && mapInfo[tempY][source.X] == MOUNTAIN || mapInfo[tempY][source.X] == DESERT )

					// if you hit the top of the map, go down until you hit the bottom or a good square
					if ( tempY <= 0 )
						tempY = current->y;
						while ( tempY < MapSizeY && mapInfo[tempY][source.X] == MOUNTAIN || mapInfo[tempY][source.X] == DESERT )

						// if we couldnt find a good path...
						if ( tempY >= MapSizeY ) 
							// free up our memory
							current = sourceNode.next;
							while ( current->next )
								node * temp = current;
								current = current->next;
								delete temp;
							delete current;

							// then exit the function

						// we want a wide path... 
						// if you dont have a good wide path, go back and check the other side
						if ( tempY - 5 <= 0 )
							tempY = current->y;
							while ( tempY < MapSizeY && mapInfo[tempY][source.X] == MOUNTAIN || mapInfo[tempY][source.X] == DESERT )

							// if we couldnt find a good path...
							if ( tempY + 5 >= MapSizeY ) 
								// free up our memory
								current = sourceNode.next;
								while ( current->next )
									node * temp = current;
									current = current->next;
									delete temp;
								delete current;

								// then exit the function

						// otherwise find the path between us and the spot we found
						COORD tempDest;
						tempDest.Y = tempY;
						tempDest.X = source.X;

						// recursion... *shudder*
						makePath( terrain, source, tempDest ); 
						source.X = tempDest.X;
						source.Y = tempDest.Y;


			// if we are above where we want to go...
				// set this node up
				current->y = source.Y + 1;
				current->x = source.X;

				// hold our current location
				int tempY = current->y;
				// if we are now on a mountain or desert, find a way around it
				if ( mapInfo[current->y][source.X] == MOUNTAIN || mapInfo[current->y][source.X] == DESERT )
					// go down until you hit the top of the map, or a good square
					while ( tempY < MapSizeY && mapInfo[tempY][source.X] == MOUNTAIN || mapInfo[tempY][source.X] == DESERT )

					// if you hit the bottom of the map, go up until you hit the top or a good square
					if ( tempY >= MapSizeY )
						tempY = current->y;
						while ( tempY > 0 && mapInfo[tempY][source.X] == MOUNTAIN || mapInfo[tempY][source.X] == DESERT )

						// if we couldnt find a good path...
						if ( tempY <= 0 ) 
							// free up our memory
							current = sourceNode.next;
							while ( current->next )
								node * temp = current;
								current = current->next;
								delete temp;
							delete current;

							// then exit the function

						// we want a wide path... 
						// if you dont have a good wide path, go back and check the other side
						if ( tempY + 5 >= MapSizeY )
							tempY = current->y;
							while ( tempY < MapSizeY && mapInfo[tempY][source.X] == MOUNTAIN || mapInfo[tempY][source.X] == DESERT )

							// if we couldnt find a good path...
							if ( tempY - 5 <= 0 ) 
								// free up our memory
								current = sourceNode.next;
								while ( current->next )
									node * temp = current;
									current = current->next;
									delete temp;
								delete current;

								// then exit the function

						// otherwise find the path between us and the spot we found
						COORD tempDest;
						tempDest.Y = tempY;
						tempDest.X = source.X;

						// recursion... *shudder*
						makePath( terrain, source, tempDest ); 
						source.X = tempDest.X;
						source.Y = tempDest.Y;

		// 50% chance to change the x direction
			// if we are below where we want to go...
			if ( source.X > dest.X )
				// set this node up
				current->x = source.X - 1;
				current->y = source.Y;

				// hold our current location
				int tempX = current->x;
				// if we are now on a mountain or desert, find a way around it
				if ( mapInfo[source.Y][current->x] == MOUNTAIN || mapInfo[source.Y][current->x] == DESERT )
					// go up until you hit the top of the map, or a good square
					while ( tempX > 0 && mapInfo[source.Y][tempX] == MOUNTAIN || mapInfo[source.Y][tempX] == DESERT )

					// if you hit the top of the map, go down until you hit the bottom or a good square
					if ( tempX <= 0 )
						tempX = current->x;
						while ( tempX < MapSizeY && mapInfo[source.Y][tempX] == MOUNTAIN || mapInfo[source.Y][tempX] == DESERT )

						// if we couldnt find a good path...
						if ( tempX >= MapSizeY ) 
							// free up our memory
							current = sourceNode.next;
							while ( current->next )
								node * temp = current;
								current = current->next;
								delete temp;
							delete current;

							// then exit the function

						// we want a wide path... 
						// if you dont have a good wide path, go back and check the other side
						if ( tempX - 5 <= 0 )
							tempX = current->x;
							while ( tempX < MapSizeY && mapInfo[source.Y][tempX] == MOUNTAIN || mapInfo[source.Y][tempX] == DESERT )

							// if we couldnt find a good path...
							if ( tempX + 5 >= MapSizeY ) 
								// free up our memory
								current = sourceNode.next;
								while ( current->next )
									node * temp = current;
									current = current->next;
									delete temp;
								delete current;

								// then exit the function

						// otherwise find the path between us and the spot we found
						COORD tempDest;
						tempDest.X = tempX;
						tempDest.Y = source.Y;

						// recursion... *shudder*
						makePath( terrain, source, tempDest ); 
						source.X = tempDest.X;
						source.Y = tempDest.Y;					


			// if we are above where we want to go...
				// set this node up
				current->x = source.X + 1;
				current->y = source.Y;
				// hold our current location
				int tempX = current->x;
				// if we are now on a mountain or desert, find a way around it
				if ( mapInfo[source.Y][current->x] == MOUNTAIN || mapInfo[source.Y][current->x] == DESERT )
					// go down until you hit the top of the map, or a good square
					while ( tempX < MapSizeY && mapInfo[source.Y][tempX] == MOUNTAIN || mapInfo[source.Y][tempX] == DESERT )

					// if you hit the bottom of the map, go up until you hit the top or a good square
					if ( tempX >= MapSizeY )
						tempX = current->x;
						while ( tempX > 0 && mapInfo[source.Y][tempX] == MOUNTAIN || mapInfo[source.Y][tempX] == DESERT )

						// if we couldnt find a good path...
						if ( tempX <= 0 ) 
							// free up our memory
							current = sourceNode.next;
							while ( current->next )
								node * temp = current;
								current = current->next;
								delete temp;
							delete current;

							// then exit the function

						// we want a wide path... 
						// if you dont have a good wide path, go back and check the other side
						if ( tempX + 5 >= MapSizeY )
							tempX = current->x;
							while ( tempX < MapSizeY && mapInfo[source.Y][tempX] == MOUNTAIN || mapInfo[source.Y][tempX] == DESERT )

							// if we couldnt find a good path...
							if ( tempX - 5 <= 0 ) 
								// free up our memory
								current = sourceNode.next;
								while ( current->next )
									node * temp = current;
									current = current->next;
									delete temp;
								delete current;

								// then exit the function

						// otherwise find the path between us and the spot we found
						COORD tempDest;
						tempDest.X = tempX;
						tempDest.Y = source.Y;

						// recursion... *shudder*
						makePath( terrain, source, tempDest ); 
						source.X = tempDest.X;
						source.Y = tempDest.Y;

	// end of while loop


	// draw to the map and delete the list along the way
	current = sourceNode.next;
	while ( current->next )
		node * temp = current;
		current = current->next;

		mapInfo[temp->y][temp->x] = terrain;

		delete temp;

	mapInfo[current->y][current->x] = terrain;

	delete current;
