if anyone can help, it would be appreciated.

i have opened up a file for input. this input file is then read from byte 1000 til the end, and then a byte count is calculated (x). After this, i have calculated a few other things using the final byte count. i.e. (x - 44).

Then, i have opened up output and written a file header there using the calculations (x - 44).

how do i go about reading the input file again after already having written to output ? I want to start at byte 1000 again, and write from byte 1000 til the end AFTER the header i just wrote in output. I have tried this:


but it only seems to work BEFORE i have written to the output file. I can write each byte of the input file before the header, but have had no luck after the header, which i need. is it possible to open the input file twice and get what i need?

any ideas/suggestions?
