I'm having a problem with prompting and getting user input. Below is my code
   char tmp[256];

   CSIString domain;
   CSIString mfile;
   CSIString instance;
   CSIString symbol;

   std::cout << "Enter a domain name:\n";
   std::cin.getline(tmp, sizeof(tmp));
   std::cout << "Enter an mfile name:\n";
   std::cin.getline(tmp, sizeof(tmp));

   std::cout << "Enter an mfile instance:\n";
   std::cin.getline(tmp, sizeof(tmp));

   std::cout << "Enter a symbol:\n";
   std::cin.getline(tmp, sizeof(tmp));

The problem here is that first time this code is encountered, the first piece(everything dealing with domain is sort of passed by. For instance, when I run the program, the user gets prompted as follows:

>Enter a domain name: Enter an mfile name:

The user doesn't get the option to enter the domain.

Every subsequent time that sendRegisterSymbol() is called, everything works as I want it to:

>Enter a domain name:

Its only the first time I enter the function that I get the bad output.

I tried adding cin.ignore prior to the code dealing with domain. That fixes it the first time through, but then every subsequent time I call sendRegisterSymbol, I have to hit enter twice to get to where I want to.

Any ideas???? Thanks in advance!

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