Hi ive been trying to create a simple struct within another struct within another works create can access all the data members fine. My problem is simply, How can i have a dynamic struct array from within a struct?

for example:
struct Sats
	enum sat_type{station, astroid, moon};
	int height;	// height it orbits from planet
struct Planets
	float radius;						// radius of planet
	int days;						// how many days does the planet have a year?
	int distance;						// distance it orbits from star
	Sats sats[no_of_sats];
struct star_system
	Planets planet[no_of_planets];
what i want to be able to do is use this structure to load data from a file. the no_of_planets and no_of_sats would be loaded from the file along with data for the other data members. the data could be different everytime the program loads or even be changed after its loaded.
