Hey all, I am trying to make a makefile for my project... I found a template from what seems to be an older version of the Borland compiler. I though I converted everything over to be compatible with my version (5.5 free) but I guess not... the error I'm getting at this point is:

Fatal: Unable to open file 'MAIN.OBJ'

### or *.OBJ respectively for any source ###

here is the template I'm working from: (sorry in advance for the formatting)
Read this and this(Salem)
PROJ = project			# the name of the project
OBJS = main.obj io.obj		# list of object files 
# Configuration:
MODEL = s32			# memory model
CC = bcc32			# name of compiler 
# Compiler-dependent section
%if $(CC) == bcc32		# if compiler is bcc
  CFLAGS = –m$(MODEL)	# $(CFLAGS) is –ms
  LDSTART = c0$(MODEL)	# the start-up object file
  LDLIBS = c$(MODEL)	# the library
  LDFLAGS = /Lf:\bc\lib	# f:\bc\lib is library directory
%elif $(CC) == cl		# else if compiler is cl
  LDSTART =			# no special start-up
  LDLIBS =			# no special library
  LDFLAGS = /Lf:\c6\lib;	# f:\c6\lib is library directory
%else				# else
% abort Unsupported CC==$(CC)	# compiler is not supported
%endif				# endif 
# The project to be built
$(PROJ).exe : $(OBJS)
	tlink $(LDSTART) $(OBJS), $(.TARGET),, $(LDLIBS) $(LDFLAGS) 
#$(OBJS)   : incl.h              # if all have same include
#main.obj : incl.h              # if individual includes
#io.obj   : incl.h            	#

and here is what I'm attempting to use:

PROJ = project			# the name of the project
OBJS = whatever.obj whatever.obj	# list of object files 
# Configuration:
MODEL = s32			# memory model
CC = bcc32			# name of compiler 
# Compiler-dependent section
#%if $(CC) == bcc32		# if compiler is bcc
  CFLAGS = –m$(MODEL)		# $(CFLAGS) is –ms
  LDSTART = c0$(MODEL)		# the start-up object file
  LDLIBS = c$(MODEL)		# the library
  LDFLAGS = /Lc:\bcc\lib	# c:\bcc\lib is library directory
#%elif $(CC) == cl		# else if compiler is cl
#  CFLAGS = –A$(MODEL,UC)	# $(CFLAGS) is –AS
#  LDSTART =			# no special start-up
#  LDLIBS =			# no special library
#  LDFLAGS = /Lc:\c6\lib;	# c:\c6\lib is library directory
#%else				# else
#% abort Unsupported CC==$(CC)  # compiler is not supported
#%endif				# endif 
# The project to be built
$(PROJ).exe : $(OBJS)
	ilink32 $(LDSTART) $(OBJS), $(.TARGET),, $(LDLIBS) $(LDFLAGS) 
$(OBJS)     : incl.h              # if all have same include
#main.obj : incl.h              # if individual includes
#io.obj      : incl.h              #
Ok what I changed was the MODEL and CC, added a 32 to each to correspond to which I think are the respective files in my version.

Also, the tlink command in the exe command line, I changed to ilink32. Again, thinking that may be the equivalent in my version.

The LDFLAGS to my directory, C:\Bcc\Lib.

I also commented out the Compiler switch section for now, plus I would get an error there anyways before. Also un-commented an incl.h file associated with both sources.

Afer attempting to run make I get the errors, unable to open the *.obj file. If anyone has a fix for this it would be greatly appreciated! I hope its just something easy that I'm missing.

The output is defined in bcc32.cfg to C:\Bcc\Compiled... maybe I have to specify something there, since it's unable to open the output at this point in the process. For giggles I added that to the LDFLAGS directory, though not to my surprise, no luck.

Thanks in advance, I hope everyone is having a good weekend!
