Thread: Win32 API Questions

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Win32 API Questions

    Can I use the Win32 to write strings to an already existing application and print them?

    I want to write in a chat client when a friend enters:
    "Hello - (person) Welcome to My Chat". Where this will be taken care of by an external application in which creates a string, writes it to a buffer I guess, and uses the command for pressing enter I suppose to print it to that screen. Do I have to familarize my self with window handles? I remember that comming up when I looked in the win API tutorials a while back. Sucks to be an amateur lol.

    In other words, I want to have one application write the text, save it, send it to the other application, print it in the text field or buffer, and print it to the channel. - I don't want to go down the packet client/server route since well - im not sure too many servers would appreciate that.

    is there any other way to accomplish this task - and can I use the Win API functions without creating a window and that sort, but run it through a console like DOS? - I don't want to go through the tedious task of creating windows, I will if I have to but I dont want to ^^.

  2. #2 JasonD's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Perhaps you could ask this in the Windows forum, even though I know it pertains to the console mode, as well. If you are getting into these types of function, you are basically creating a windows program, even if the application does not create its own window...

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