Hi, in the following program, the random numbers once stored in the array, aren't storing as integers!! I have no idea why. I tried testing it by printing to the screen what the random number was before it went in the array, then printed it from the array, and it was different. The random number was generating fine, but once it was printed from the array it came up with weird symbols like hearts, diamonds, smiley faces, crosses etc. Has anybody any idea what this is?!! I tried looking on the forum, but I had no idea what to searhc for!!

Heres the code:

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#include <string>

int randomCardValueGenerator(int, int);
void DisplayWelcome();

//a single card in a hand
struct card
   string suit;
   string value;

//min & max for card values
const int minCardValue = 1; 
const int maxCardValue = 14;

//min & max for card suits
const int minCardSuit = 1;
const int maxCardSuit = 4;

int main()
   struct card hand[5]; //an array of cards
   int randomCardValue;
   int randomCardSuit;

   srand(time(NULL)); //seed random number with system time                      
   for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
      randomCardValue = randomCardValueGenerator(minCardValue, maxCardValue);
      randomCardSuit = randomCardValueGenerator(minCardSuit, maxCardSuit);

      hand[i].value = randomCardValue;
      hand[i].suit = randomCardSuit;

      cout << "Card 1: " << randomCardSuit << " " << randomCardValue << "\n";   
      cout << "hand[i].value = " << hand[i].value << ", hand[i].suit = " << hand[i].suit << "\n";

   return 0;

//creates a random card value
int randomCardValueGenerator(int minValue, int maxvalue)
   int range;
   int randNum;
   int number;
   number = rand();
   range = maxvalue - minValue + 1;  
   randNum = number % range + minValue;

   return randNum;

void DisplayWelcome()
   cout << "\n\n\t\t\tWelcome to my random number game!\n";
   cout << "\t\t\t---------------------------------\n\n";
