I'm having trouble doing some overloads.

Be prepared for a lot of code:

	template <ostream>
	ostream& operator <<(ostream & os, const any & operand)
	//postcondition: operand is written to output stream os
		if (operand.type() == typeid(int))
			return os << any_cast<int>(operand);
		else if (operand.type() == typeid(char))
			return os << any_cast<char>(operand);
		else if (operand.type() == typeid(float))
			return os << any_cast<float>(operand);
		else if (operand.type() == typeid(double))
			return os << any_cast<double>(operand);
		else if (operand.type() == typeid(bool))
			return os << any_cast<bool>(operand);
		else if (operand.type() == typeid(char*))
			return os << any_cast<char*>(operand);
#ifdef _STRING_		// make sure that you won't get an error if not included
		else if (operand.type() == typeid(std::string))
			return os << any_cast<std::string>(operand);
		return os;	// if it wasn't one of the other types, it ignores it.
template <istream>
	istream& operator >>(istream & is, any & operand)
	//precondition:  input stream is open for reading
	//postcondition: the next string from input stream is has been read
	//               and stored in operand
		char temp[82];	// not longer than screen length
		char ch;
		int i = 0;
		while (i <= 80 && is.get(ch) && ch != '\n')
			temp[i++] = ch;

		temp[i] = '\0';

		//cout << any_cast<char*>(operand) << endl;

		if (isint(temp))			// if it is an integer, convert it to one
			operand = atoi(temp);
		else if (isfloat(temp))		// if it is a float or double, convert it to one
			operand = atof(temp);
		else						// otherwise, just store a string
			char * newtemp = new char[strlen(temp)];
			operand = newtemp;
		//	operand = strdup(temp);	// allocate memory for this so that it isn't lost
			//free(static_cast<any::holder<char *> *>(operand.content)->held);
		return is;
template <any, typename UnknownType>
	any operator <<(const any & lhs, const UnknownType & rhs)
		any result;

		if (lhs.type() == typeid(UnknownType))	// check that types are same.
												// don't use float or double!
			result = any_cast<UnknownType>(lhs) << rhs;

		return result;   // returns a copy of result
	template <typename UnknownType>
	UnknownType operator <<(const UnknownType & lhs, const any & rhs)
		UnknownType result;

		if (rhs.type() == typeid(UnknownType))	// check that types are same.
												// don't use float or double!
			result = lhs << any_cast<UnknownType>(rhs);

		return result;   // returns a copy of result
	template <any, typename UnknownType>
	any operator >>(const any & lhs, const UnknownType & rhs)
		any result;

		if (lhs.type() == typeid(UnknownType))	// check that types are same.
												// don't use float or double!
			result = any_cast<UnknownType>(lhs) >> rhs;

		return result;   // returns a copy of result
	template <typename UnknownType>
	UnknownType operator >>(const UnknownType & lhs, const any & rhs)
		UnknownType result;

		if (rhs.type() == typeid(UnknownType))	// check that types are same.
												// don't use float or double!
			result = lhs >> any_cast<UnknownType>(rhs);

		return result;   // returns a copy of result
Its having trouble figuring out which overloads to do.
I believe this is because it tries to do the one with UnknownType as parameter 1 instead of the ostream/istream...

What am I doing wrong?