Thread: Opinion: What's a very complete and up-to-date C++ manual free online?

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  1. #1
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    Wink Opinion: What's a very complete and up-to-date C++ manual free online?

    Apparently my references are more out of date then i thought. I have a decent C book but no complete C++ materials and I really can't afford to run out and buy a book for 30-70 dollars right now. Does anyone know of or recomment an online manual that is free and complete for C++. I have never seen quite what I am looking for. Just basic tutorials and faqs.

    When I try to do something inovative (well for a newbie anyways) I can't figure out how to code it because I only have these basics. (My C++ book didn't even list ios::binary as an option =()

    SO, I would appreciate peoples input to find a good reference that won't have me trying 10 different syntaxes to find out how to do something simple =)

    "...son, what is this COUT << on my birthday card mean?"
    expected ";" line 12, 54, 63, 73....

  2. #2
    Senior Member joshdick's Avatar
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    Thinking in C++ by Bruce Eckel is a pretty good book, but it assumes you already know quite a bit and moves rather fast.

    Oh, and always search the C Board before posting a question. Senior members get really sick of answering the same question over and over. I am absolutely positive that you could find dozens of threads full of recommendations for books.

    "The computer programmer is a creator of universes for which he alone is responsible. Universes of virtually unlimited complexity can be created in the form of computer programs." -- Joseph Weizenbaum.

    "If you cannot grok the overall structure of a program while taking a shower, you are not ready to code it." -- Richard Pattis.

  3. #3
    Registered User whistlenm1's Avatar
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    Try this:

    ANSI/ISO C++ Professional Handbook. Helps in you have a decent C background.

    under languages
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    In other words, if you teach your cat to bark (output) and eat dog food (input) that doesn't make him a dog. It would have to chase cars, chew bones, and have puppies before I'd call it Rover ;-)
    - WaltP

  4. #4
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    "Oh, and always search the C Board before posting a question. Senior members get really sick of answering the same question over and over."

    Totally disregard that. If senior members are sick of answering the same question over and over, then of course they have the option of not answering.
    Last edited by 7stud; 04-24-2003 at 03:44 PM.

  5. #5
    Hardware Engineer
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    1,398 has a complete reference of all the standard header files and their functions.

    However, a search for ios::binary on their site didtn't get any hits.

  6. #6
    Carnivore ('-'v) Hunter2's Avatar
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    Totally disregard that. If senior members are sick of answering the same question over and over, then of course they have the option of not answering.
    Indeed, that is an option; but then senior members have to put up with hundreds of redundant threads being created and crowding genuinely important threads off of the first page. And, if they don't answer some of these threads, people often interpret it as being unhelpful and unfriendly.

    Besides, as a general practice, it is usually a good idea to see if your question has been asked before; if it has been and it has been answered, then you have found an answer for yourself without troubling the cboard members. And, besides, you will have found an answer faster than you would have if you waited for a member to read your post and respond. If it has not been answered, then you should post the question, and most members will be glad to help in whatever capacity they can.
    Just Google It. √

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  7. #7
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    Does anyone also has some good reference sites on java?

  8. #8
    Registered User Dante Shamest's Avatar
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    The whole Java API is documented on
    Also, the Java Tutorial they have there is the most comprehensive on the net.

  9. #9
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    and you can dl Thinking in Java from
    Brett Kelly

  10. #10
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    "then you have found an answer for yourself without troubling the cboard members"

    lol. If certain members are troubled by beginners posting questions, I suggest they go elsewhere.

    "then senior members have to put up with hundreds of redundant threads being created and crowding genuinely important threads off of the first page"

    lol again. Maybe the people you speak of should go start their own forum and call it "The Important Questions only C++ Forum". Just think, they could appoint a committee and every week scan all the questions emailed to them, and then post only the questions they decide are "important". I nominate you to head the committee and initiate such a move.
    Last edited by 7stud; 04-25-2003 at 06:36 PM.

  11. #11
    Grammar Police HybridM's Avatar
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    7stud, i rarely post here, i just search and usually find my answer. Telling users NOT to search and instead post an already answered question is a waste of everyone's time and energy.

    If anyone has a question then the first thing they should do is search the database...that's what it's there for.

    You might not mind seeing the same question over and over again, but most people eventually get sick of it.


    edit: Oh yeah, and don't buy a book by Herb Shildt...that's what i did, and felt cheated when i found out he's somewhat of a fraud.
    Last edited by HybridM; 04-26-2003 at 08:34 AM.

  12. #12
    Carnivore ('-'v) Hunter2's Avatar
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    If certain members are troubled by beginners posting questions, I suggest they go elsewhere.
    Oh, I'm not worried about beginners posting questions; I'm just saying that beginners shouldn't post questions that have been answered already. And, besides, answering these questions makes trouble for members, however small, just because it requires the effort of typing a reply or referring to the search feature.
    Just Google It. √

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  13. #13
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    Well, ge sorry for asking this I guess I get post happy. BUt look at it this way. While this post is new and easily found newbies like me can see it and go dig through some manually before posting some problem like "cout not working" or "how do i read keyboard input".

    Thanks all.
    "...son, what is this COUT << on my birthday card mean?"
    expected ";" line 12, 54, 63, 73....

  14. #14
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    Completely ignore those people. Anyone who doesn't like answering questions on a forum can leave. The posters who are criticizing you have a very limited view of the different levels of interaction on a forum, and in general programming questions are so specific that searching through a database is a waste of time--so don't bother. There will always be enough friendly people around to answer your questions, even if they've been asked in one form or another thousands of times.

    Just keep posting, and you'll get your answers and usually within the hour. Good luck.
    Last edited by 7stud; 04-27-2003 at 01:50 PM.

  15. #15
    Carnivore ('-'v) Hunter2's Avatar
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    I'm sorry thenrkst, my comments were not directed at you. In fact, I took quite some pains to not mention this thread in my posts; Instead, I was just trying to point out that what 7stud said about "totally disregarding" advice about searching the forum is not completely right; it is a common courtesy to see if you can find an answer on your own before asking others. But, in this case, I don't believe this particular question has been asked recently, and so I don't have any complaint about this thread being created.
    Just Google It. √

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