Well..i didn't want to drive anyone off by pasting all the code. However I think that's what I have to do now. My program solves a maze... or attempts to...using standard library template deques.

This first part is fine.

 int main()
	Move curr_move;
	Curr_pos start;
	char Maze[40][40];
	char filename[12];
	int rows = 0;
	int columns = 0;
	bool blocked;

	curr_move.move_number = 0;
			cout<< "Please enter the name of the maze file you want to read, or (q) to quit.\n" << endl;
			cout<< "(a) maze1.txt\n(b) maze2.txt\n(c) maze3.txt\n"<< endl;
			cin.getline (filename, 10);
			if (filename[0] == 'q')
				return 0;

			Read_file (Maze, &columns, &rows, start, filename);
			printf("%d,%d \n", start.row, start.col);
			curr_move.maze_col = start.col;
			curr_move.maze_row = start.row;
			Print_m_array (Maze, rows, columns);

I don't get any errors , however when I print out the 'solved maze' I just get back what I read in...which is unsolved. Debugging doesn't help either...when it get's to that part...it just exits without my permission.


while( Maze[curr_move.maze_row][curr_move.maze_col] != 'X' && !blocked)
				if (!legal_move(Maze, curr_move))
					curr_move.move_number ++;
					if (curr_move.move_number > 3)
						curr_move.move_number = 0;
						///(advance_peg(move)) move back in the deque to the previous move;

				if (legal_move == true)
					curr_move.move_number = 0;
					advance_maze(curr_move, A, Maze);
				/*Update the move number . Place * after a valid  move in the maze
				curr_move.move_number ++;
				Maze[curr_move.maze_row][curr_move.maze_col] = '*';
				curr_move.maze_row = curr_move.maze_row ++;
				curr_move.maze_col = curr_move.maze_col ++;*/

				if (A.empty())
					blocked = true;

				if (blocked == true)
					/* reset the position ie set the current position to the previous value,
					/** what I just poped back.*/
					Print_m_array (Maze, rows, columns);


            return 0;	

This is what my advance_maze function and my legal fuction look like......

bool legal_move(char Maze[40][40], Move &move)
	int n;

	n = move.move_number;
	if (Maze[move.maze_row + position[n].move_left]
		[move.maze_col + position[n].move_down] == 0
	    Maze[move.maze_row + position[n].move_right]
		 [move.maze_col + position[n].move_up]   == 0)

		return true;
		return false;

void advance_maze( Move &move, MOVEDEQUE &M, char m_array[][40])

	m_array[move.maze_row][move.maze_col] = '*';
	move.maze_row = move.maze_row + 1;
	move.maze_col = move.maze_col + 1;


Why am I not getting a solved maze ? Am I using the wrong algorithm? or I'm I still being silly? Please tell me.