Thread: As good as it gets

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  1. #1
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    As good as it gets

    I've started learning C++ about six months ago(read many tutorials and some example code). But I don't really make any improvement. I've see alot of expert programmers and they create some incredible code.

    I guess you have been doing this for years but I don't have the time to spend seven hours a day practising C++. How can I improve my skills in a different way, and what are the possabilities when you are good at this?

  2. #2
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    "I don't have the time to spend seven hours a day practising C++."

    It's called a job.

    "I've see alot of expert programmers and they create some incredible code."

    Yes, they do. And, they studied hard in school, sometimes practicing C++ for 20 hours a day, and then got jobs where they probably "practice" seven hours a day when they're not busy.

    "what are the possabilities when you are good at this?"

    Ever hear of Bill Gates?
    Last edited by 7stud; 04-11-2003 at 02:30 AM.

  3. #3
    It's full of stars adrianxw's Avatar
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    >>> But I don't really make any improvement.

    Look back at some of the code you wrote 6 months ago. Does it strike you as simple stuff or embarrasingly bad? Then you have improved haven't you. (If the answer was no, take up grass cutting or house painting).

    Like many things, it takes time to be good at anything.
    Wave upon wave of demented avengers march cheerfully out of obscurity unto the dream.

  4. #4
    Programming Sex-God Polymorphic OOP's Avatar
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    Re: As good as it gets

    Originally posted by FromHolland
    I've started learning C++ about six months ago(read many tutorials and some example code). But I don't really make any improvement. I've see alot of expert programmers and they create some incredible code.
    Don't know how old you are, but when I started learning C++ I was in high school and I used to actually skip school sometimes to program (see, I'm even dorkier than a lot of you even realize haha). If programming is really what you want to do with your life and you are doing well enough to afford missing some days of class, you'd be surprised how much you can learn from programming for a couple of days straight. Sure beats wasting time in a class that won't really teach you anything you will be using later in life. I always used the logic that if you're skipping school in order to learn more than you would AT school, then it's the "smart" thing to do Also, when you're in class and you have time, write down code on a piece of paper. You don't need a compiler to program. Think about programming during the day or while you're in the halls, etc. Try figure out ways of programming things in your head whenever you can find the time. I find that I get my best programming ideas when I'm not actually at the computer. It gives you time to really concentrate on the logic and high-level concepts of the code.

  5. #5
    Hardware Engineer
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    I have been programming for many years, but part-time... mostly as a hobby. I've been doing C++ for a couple of years, and I still consider myself a beginner. That's a slow pace. You really have to put time into it. Actually, I'm at the point where I feel like, as 7stud said, I could learn a lot more if I could get a job programming. (I do a tiny bit of programming at work now.)

    I assume it takes most people about a year before they are creating programs that will impress non-programmers. Making "impressive" programs seems to require some sort of graphics. You have to enjoy the learning-to-program process, or you will give-up before you have any "useful" programming skills.

    There is probably no substitute for taking classes. Most really good professional programmers have computer science degrees, and enjoy programming as a hobby. (I have degrees in other subjects, and have only taken a couple of programming classes.)

    Hey Poly,
    I assume that stuff about skipping class is a biit tongue-in-cheek? You're a "sharp kid", and I'll bet you get good grades.

    Probably 95% of professional programmers have college degrees. Almost all programming job listings say "BSCS required". You're not going to get into, or graduate from, college if you skip school to program... or to do anything else.

    Even if you don't want to code for a living a college degree will make your adult life "easier"... If you took a room full of adults, put the higher-than-averave income people on one side, the lower-than-average on the other side. 80% of the people on the high-income side would have college degrees. DON'T SKIP SCHOOL TO PROGRAM!
    Last edited by DougDbug; 04-11-2003 at 01:12 PM.

  6. #6
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    If you are having trouble 'advancing' in programming you should do one of the following...

    1)Locate more complex tutorials.(they are everywhere)

    2)Start up a game project. Games will stretch your abilities rather quickly because of all of the 'problem solving' that games deal with.

    3)Take a break! When I first began learning c++ it was all so foreign to me that I couldnt get anywhere. So I took a few months off, and I began improving in leaps and bounds.

    Some people have the effort and the motivation to just pour themselves into programming 24/7. Although I occassionaly have those 'programming streaks' I do not do it often. Just keep it going, you may never be an 'advanced programmer' but you can get pretty far on just sitting down from time to time and programming.

  7. #7
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    I will never skip school becouse I feel like programming (my parents wouldn't let me anyway..) Now I'm only 15 years old so plenty of time to learn C++ . I don't know what the average age is when people start programming, and I will never get really good at it becouse I don't wat to spend 20 hours a day programming. But I will keep practising since I go to a graphical school where I have to learn HTML and Javascript.

    Thank you for the information and quick replies.

  8. #8
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    you don't have to spend 20 hours a day. An hour of honest programming a day should be plenty. On the other hand once you start getting into it, you'll start spending more time on it than you ever thought you would have discipline for

    We don't spend 20 hours a day programming because we are disciplined we spend 20 hours a day programming because we are getting involved and having fun...if you're torturing yourself to do it, you're doing it wrong.

    And Poly everything you said was well put *claps*

    You must get sick of people calling you smart. Here's something for a change: you're a moron!

  9. #9
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    Re: Reply

    Originally posted by FromHolland
    I don't know what the average age is when people start programming
    Man, if only I started programming when I was five. I would know twice as much stuff as I do now...I really wish I started to learn programing earlier That would of been so much better for me.

  10. #10
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    if I programmed straight for 20 hours...Id imagine Id be the first 'head explosion' death on the record ;P

    The setting for programming has to be right though...

    Cool room, slightly dark, plenty of wine, helluva lot of non-greasy snack-food, light easy listening music...

    Yea then I can sit for several hours...dont know how many late nights Ive had like that...start at 11pm...4 hours later thinking its only 11:30...then getting late to work because of it

  11. #11
    Grammar Police HybridM's Avatar
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    I thought Coke was the programmers drink of choice.

    Anyway, i'm really new to programming, i had attempted to learn java once, didn't get anywhere, and i'd tried to learn C++ previous to this time, again, i never got anywhere.
    I am 17, and i do wish i'd started (and kept it up!) earlier, but this time FINALLY i am really getting into programming, the only thing is i am learning by myself, and i wish i was in some sort of classes because it is hard to come up with interesting things to program, that will stretch my knowledge.

    BTW, anyone got any cool ideas for someone like me? (still on console)
    Thor's self help tip:
    Maybe a neighbor is tossing leaf clippings on your lawn, looking at your woman, or harboring desires regarding your longboat. You enslave his children, set his house on fire. He shall not bother you again.

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  12. #12
    Its not rocket science vasanth's Avatar
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    I always learnt because of challenges... My teacher told the class that she did not expect any one to implement a chess game AI.. i went ahead.. learnt stuff and implemented it...

    I cannot learn sometin just like that.. I require a lot of motivation and challenges are the best motivation for me... I learnt a lot of stuff on my own.. just because i wanted to create something that was challengin( a lot of pet project games in the initial period..)

    So dont learn progamming just to lear it.. Instead decide a pet project like a game and work on it..

  13. #13
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    Age has nothing to do with anything

    If you have a aptitude and a love of doing it, you will find the time to do it.
    If you love doing it, it will become easy for you, and your skills will undoubtedly develop.
    That is probably why some can sit at a PC for hours straight, to them hours may seem like mins.

    So my short answer is if you like it

    Go to it!!

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