I was told that when returning a value from a function, you can only return one. So why does this code work? And can you explain what happens in the functions? thanks

Their is a structure called Distance that includes distances in feet and inches. the user enters 2 distances (feet,inches) and stores them in 2 type Distance variables. then this function is involked to return the larger of the 2 Distances;
Distance bigengl(Distance dd1, Distance dd2)
	if(dd1.feet > dd2.feet)       //if feet are different, return
		return dd1;                // the one with the largest feet
	if(dd1.feet > dd2.feet)
		return dd2;
	if(dd1.inches > dd2.inches)   //if inches are different,
		return dd1;                //return one with largest
	else                          //inches, or dd2 if equal
		return dd2;