I'm trying to implement a player class that contains the following attributes:

-> Name
-> Position Played
-> High School Graduated From
-> Height
-> Scoring Average
-> Rebounding Average
-> GPA
-> Seasons Of Eligibility Remaining

And the class must have the following functions:

-> Sort list of objects by name.
-> Sort list of objects by scoring average.
-> Get list of objects that contain a GPA of over 3.0.
-> Sort list of objects by high school graduated from.

This is what I've come up with so far:

// Player Header File (player.h)

#include "apstring.h"

class player

	// Constructors

	player(apstring name, apstring position, apstring high_school, int height, double average, double rebounding, double gpa, int seasons);
	player(const player &p);

	// Destructor


	// Accessors

	apstring get_name() const;
	apstring get_position() const;
	apstring get_high_school() const;
	int get_height() const;
	double get_scoring_average() const;
	double get_rebounding_average() const;
	double get_gpa() const;
	int get_seasons() const;

	// Assignment

	const player& operator = (const player &p);

	// Modifiers

	void set_name(apstring name);
	void set_position(apstring position);
	void set_high_school(apstring high_school);
	void set_height(int height);
	void set_scoring_average(double scoring_average);
	void set_rebounding_average(double rebounding_average);
	void set_gpa(double gpa);
	void set_seasons(int seasons);

	// Other Methods

	void sort_names(player p[ ], int length);
	void sort_scoring_averages(player p[ ], int length);
	void sort_gpas(player p[ ], int length);
	void sort_high_schools(player p[ ], int length);
	void print(player p[ ], int length);


	// Private Data

	apstring my_name, my_position, my_high_school;
	double my_scoring_average, my_rebounding_average, my_gpa;
	int my_height, my_seasons;

	// Private Methods

	void swap(player &x, player &y);
// Player Class Implementation (player.cpp)

#include "player.h"

// Constructors

	my_name = "";
	my_position = "";
	my_high_school = "";
	my_height = 0;
	my_scoring_average = 0.00;
	my_rebounding_average = 0.00;
	my_gpa = 0.00;
	my_seasons = 0;

player::player(apstring name, apstring position, apstring high_school, int height, double scoring_average, double rebounding_average, double gpa, int seasons)
	my_name = name;
	my_position = position;
	my_high_school = high_school;
	my_height = height;
	my_scoring_average = scoring_average;
	my_rebounding_average = rebounding_average;
	my_gpa = gpa;
	my_seasons = seasons;

player::player(const player &p)
	my_name = p.my_name;
	my_position = p.my_position;
	my_high_school = p.my_high_school;
	my_height = p.my_height;
	my_scoring_average = p.my_scoring_average;
	my_rebounding_average = p.my_rebounding_average;
	my_gpa = p.my_gpa;
	my_seasons = p.my_seasons;

// Destructor



// Accessors

apstring player::get_name() const
	return my_name;

apstring player::get_position() const
	return my_position;

apstring player::get_high_school() const
	return my_high_school;

int player::get_height() const
	return my_height;

double player::get_scoring_average() const
	return my_scoring_average;

double player::get_rebounding_average() const
	return my_rebounding_average;

double player::get_gpa() const
	return my_gpa;

int player::get_seasons() const
	return my_seasons;

// Assignment

const player& player::operator = (const player &p)
	if (this != &p)
		my_name = p.my_name;
		my_position = p.my_position;
		my_high_school = p.my_high_school;
		my_height = p.my_height;
		my_scoring_average = p.my_scoring_average;
		my_rebounding_average = p.my_rebounding_average;
		my_gpa = p.my_gpa;
		my_seasons = p.my_seasons;

	return *this;

// Modifiers

void player::set_name(apstring name)
	my_name = name;

void player::set_position(apstring position)
	my_position = position;

void player::set_high_school(apstring high_school)
	my_high_school = high_school;

void player::set_height(int height)
	my_height = height;

void player::set_scoring_average(double scoring_average)
	my_scoring_average = scoring_average;

void player::set_rebounding_average(double rebounding_average)
	my_rebounding_average = rebounding_average;

void player::set_gpa(double gpa)
	my_gpa = gpa;

void player::set_seasons(int seasons)
	my_seasons = seasons;

// Other Methods

void player::sort_names(player a[ ], int length)
	int min_index = 0;
	for (int j = 0; j < length - 1; ++j)
		for (int k = j + 1; k < length; ++k)
			if (a[k].get_name() < a[min_index].get_name())
				min_index = k;

	swap(a[j], a[min_index]);

void player::sort_scoring_averages(player a[ ], int length)
	int min_index = 0;

	for (int j = 0; j < length - 1; ++j)
		for (int k = j + 1; k < length; ++k)
			if (a[k].get_scoring_average() < a[min_index].get_scoring_average())
				min_index = k;

	swap(a[j], a[min_index]);

void player::sort_gpas(player a[ ], int length)
	int min_index = 0;

	for (int j = 0; j < length - 1; ++j)
		for (int k = j + 1; k < length; ++k)
			if (a[k].get_gpa() < a[min_index].get_gpa())
				min_index = k;

	swap(a[j], a[min_index]);

void player::sort_high_schools(player a[ ], int length)
	int min_index = 0;

	for (int j = 0; j < length - 1; ++j)
		for (int k = j + 1; k < length; ++k)
			if (a[k].get_high_school() < a[min_index].get_high_school())
				min_index = k;

	swap(a[j], a[min_index]);

void player::print(player a[ ], int length)
	cout << "Name / Position Played / High School Graduated From / Height / Scoring Average / Rebounding Average / GPA / Seasons Of Eligibility Remaining" << endl;

	for (int j = 0; j < length; ++j)
		cout << a[j].get_name() << " " << a[j].get_position() << " " << a[j].get_high_school() << " " << a[j].get_height() << " " << a[j].get_scoring_average() << " " << a[j].get_rebounding_average() << " " << a[j].get_gpa() << " " << a[j].get_seasons() << endl;

// Private Methods

void player::swap(player &x, player &y)
	player temp = x;
	x = y;
	y = temp;
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#include "player.h"

void main()
	// Declarations

	apstring file, line, name, position, high_school;
	double scoring_average, rebounding_average, gpa;
	ifstream in_file;
	int counter = 0, num_players = 0, height, seasons;
	player *b_player;

	// Get file name.

	cout << "Enter file name." << endl;
	cin >> file;

	// Get number of players.

	cout << "Enter number of players." << endl;
	cin >> num_players;

	// Create dynamic array for players.

	b_player = new player[num_players];

	// Open file.


	// Prime in_file.

	in_file >> name;

	// Assemble each set of data into an object (inside an array of objects).

	while (! in_file.eof())
		in_file >> position >> high_school >> height >> scoring_average >> rebounding_average >> gpa >> seasons;


		in_file >> name;


	// Close file.


	// Sort by name and print.

	cout << "Sorted By Name" << endl;
	b_player->sort_names(b_player, num_players);
	b_player->print(b_player, num_players);

	cout << endl;

	// Sort by scoring average and print.

	cout << "Sorted By Scoring Averages" << endl;
	b_player->sort_scoring_averages(b_player, num_players);
	b_player->print(b_player, num_players);

	cout << endl;

	// Print all players who have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

	cout << "All Players With GPA Of 3.0 Or Higher" << endl;
	b_player->sort_gpas(b_player, num_players);
	b_player->print(b_player, num_players);

	cout << endl;

	// Sort by high school and print.

	cout << "Sorted By High School" << endl;
	b_player->sort_high_schools(b_player, num_players);
	b_player->print(b_player, num_players);
What the basketball_players.cpp file does is read a list of players and their information from a file and convert each line of information into a player object. For some reason the sort methods (like sort_names, sort_scoring_averages, sort_gpas, and sort_high_schools methods) are not working the way they should. When the lists are printed out, the lists are the same each time.

I know this post was long, but I hope somebody can figure out why those methods are not being done correctly.

I greatly appreciate any help.