No, it would be:
It could be either one. Since the only two things you can do with a function are call it and take its address, if you aren't calling it then C++ assumes you're taking its address. So the & to return its address isn't required.
anyway, traverse(), as well as, display() are member functions of the class and i can't seem to get the proper notation for (display) b/c it says display is undeclared undentifier
Pointers to members have different syntax
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class T {
    void speak(int);

void T::speak(int num)
    cout<< num <<endl;

typedef void (T::*FunctionPtr)(int);

int main()
    T t;
    FunctionPtr p = &T::speak;

    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)