Thread: help!!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Unhappy help!!!!!!!

    I'm trying to print out all the elements in the linked list and I keep getting the same number printed out an infinite number of times. I don't know what condition I should put in the while statement to print out the numbers correctly.

    using std :: cin;
    using std :: cout;
    using std :: endl;


    struct node {
    int value;
    node* next;

    node* make_a_list();
    void print_list(node *list);
    node* add_at_front(node* head, int addvalue);
    void add_at_back(node *list, int addvalue);

    int main(){
    node* mylist;

    // create the list and print it
    mylist = make_a_list();

    // add_at_back( mylist, 40);
    // print_list(mylist);

    // mylist = add_at_front( mylist, 1);
    // print_list(mylist);

    return 0;

    node* make_a_list()
    // This function creates a linked list containing the even numbers
    // from 2 to 20. The pointer of the list is returned to the
    // calling function.
    node *head = NULL, *tptr;
    int num = 20;

    tptr = new node;
    tptr->value = num;
    tptr->next = head;

    head = tptr;

    num -= 2;

    return head;

    void print_list(node *list)
    // This function accepts as input a pointer to the list
    // and prints out all of the elements of the list.
    // Each element is separated by a few spaces and
    // the last element of the list is terminated by
    // a newline.
    node *ptr = list;

    // loop through entire list
    while(ptr->value != NULL) {

    // print each element
    cout << ptr->value;
    list = ptr;
    cout << endl;


    node* add_at_front(node* head, int addvalue)
    // This function accepts as input a pointer to the list
    // and an integer (addvalue). This integer is added
    // to the front of the list. The pointer to the start
    // of the list is then returned.

    node *newptr;

    // create a new node

    // return pointer that points to front of list



    void add_at_back(node *list, int addvalue)
    // This function accepts as input a pointer to the list
    // and an integer (addvalue). This integer is added
    // to the end of the list.

    node *newptr, *tempptr=list;

    // loop until you reach last node in list

    // create a new node with appropriate values
    // and add it to the list


  2. #2
    change this:

    // loop through entire list
    while(ptr->value != NULL) {

    // print each element
    cout << ptr->value;
    list = ptr

    to this:

    while(ptr != NULL)
    cout ptr->value;
    ptr = ptr->next;

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