so I have this code... which seems long and cumbersome, and not all that fun to type out, and so far I have thought of using tables to get things up and running, but I wanted to see if anyone had something better it would go something like this

I am trying to find the bits borrowed out of an ip address and the bits remaining

void bitsborrowed(int ip[], int subnet[], char addressclass,  int *bitsborrowed, int *bitsremaning)
    if(addressclass == 'c')
        //for class c use the last octet
        if(subnet[3] == 252)
               *bitsremaining = 2;
               *bitsborrowed = 6;
        else if(subnet[3] == 248)
               *bitsremaining = 3;
               *bitsborrowed = 5;

  if(addressclass == 'b')
      if(subnet[3] === 252 && subnet[2] == 255)
             *bitsremaining = 2;
             *bitsborrowed = 14;

   // and so forth...
as you can see there are a lot of cases to check... any help would be great, thanks!