Thread: lvp string...

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Feb 2003

    lvp string...

    im pretty new to C++ and i know i need this string to work some of my programs but i want to know if this is just a basic string.h or a editied one?

    #include <string.h>
    #include <assert.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    //#include "String.h"
    const int npos = -1;
    // postcondition: string is empty
    	 myLength = 0;
    	 myCapacity = 1;
    	 myCstring = new char[myCapacity];
    	 myCstring[0] = '\0';           // make c-style string zero length
    String::String(const char * s)
    //description:   constructs a string object from a literal string
    //               such as "abcd"
    //precondition:  s is '\0'-terminated string as used in C
    //postcondition: copy of s has been constructed
    	 assert (s != 0);               // C-string not NULL?
    	 myLength = strlen(s);
        myCapacity = myLength + 1;      // make room for '\0'
        myCstring = new char[myCapacity];
    String::String(const String & str)
    //description:   copy constructor
    //postcondition: copy of str has been constructed
        myLength = str.length();
        myCapacity = myLength + 1;
        myCstring = new char[myCapacity];
    //description:   destructor
    //postcondition: string is destroyed
        delete[] myCstring;                // free memory
    const String& String::operator =(const String & rhs)
    //postcondition: normal assignment via copying has been performed
        if (this != &rhs)                             // check aliasing
            if (myCapacity < rhs.length() + 1)        // more memory needed?
                delete[] myCstring;                   // delete old string
                myCapacity = rhs.length() + 1;        // add 1 for '\0'
                myCstring = new char[myCapacity];
            myLength = rhs.length();
        return *this;
    const String& String::operator = (const char * s)
    //description:   assignment from literal string such as "abcd"
    //precondition:  s is '\0'-terminated string as used in C
    //postcondition: assignment via copying of s has been performed
        int len = 0;                         // length of newly constructed string
        assert(s != 0);                      // make sure s non-NULL
        len = strlen(s); // # of characters in string
        // free old string if necessary
        if (myCapacity < len + 1)
       delete[] myCstring;  // delete old string
       myCapacity = len + 1;   // add 1 for '\0'
       myCstring = new char[myCapacity];
        myLength = len;
        return *this;
    const String& String::operator = (char ch)
    //description:   assignment from character as though single char string
    //postcondition: assignment of one-character string has been performed
        if (myCapacity < 2)
            delete [] myCstring;
            myCapacity = 2;
            myCstring = new char[myCapacity];
        myLength = 1;
        myCstring[0] = ch;  // make string one character long
        myCstring[1] = '\0';
        return *this;
    int String::length( ) const
    //postcondition: returns # of chars in string
        return myLength;
    const char * String::c_str() const
    //description:   convert string into a '\0'-terminated string as
    //               used in C for use with functions
    //               that have '\0'-terminated string parameters.
    //postcondition: returns the equivalent '\0'-terminated string
        return myCstring;
    char& String::operator[](int k)
    // precondition:  0 <= k < length()
    // postcondition: returns copy of the kth character
    // note:          if this reference is used to write a '\0'
    //                subsequent results are undefined
        if (k < 0 || myLength <= k)
            cerr << "index out of range: " << k << " string: " << myCstring
                << endl;
    	 return myCstring[k];
    char String::operator[](int k) const
    // precondition:  0 <= k < length()
    // postcondition: returns copy of the kth character
    	 if (k < 0 || myLength <= k)
    		  cerr << "index out of range: " << k << " string: " << myCstring
    				<< endl;
        return myCstring[k];
    ostream& operator <<(ostream & os, const String & str)
    //postcondition: str is written to output stream os
        return os << str.c_str();
    istream& operator >>(istream & is, String & str)
    //precondition:  input stream is open for reading
    //postcondition: the next string from input stream is has been read
    //               and stored in str
        char ch;
        str = "";    // empty string, will build one char at-a-time
        is >> ch;    // whitespace skipped, first non-white char in ch
        if (!
                str += ch;
            } while (! && ! isspace(ch));
            if (isspace(ch))    // put whitespace back on the stream
        return is;
    istream & getline(istream & is, String & str)
    //description:   reads a line from input stream is into the string str
    //precondition:  input stream is open for reading
    //postcondition: chars from input stream is up to '\n' have been read
        char ch;
        str = "";     // empty string, will build one char at-a-time
        while (is.get(ch) && ch != '\n')
            str += ch;
        return is;
    const String& String::operator +=(const String & str)
    //postcondition: concatenates a copy of str onto this string
        String copystring(str);         // copy to avoid aliasing problems
        int newLength = length() + str.length(); // self + added string
        int lastLocation = length();      // index of '\0'
        // check to see if local buffer not big enough
        if (newLength >= myCapacity)
            myCapacity = newLength + 1;
       if (str.length() == 1)  // special case for catenating one char
       {                       // make room for future catenations
           myCapacity *= 2;
            char * newBuffer = new char[myCapacity];
            strcpy(newBuffer,myCstring); // copy into new buffer
            delete [] myCstring;       // delete old string
            myCstring = newBuffer;
        // now catenate str (copystring) to end of myCstring
        strcpy(myCstring+lastLocation,copystring.c_str() );
        myLength = newLength;           // update information
        return *this;
    const String & String::operator += ( char ch )
    // postcondition: concatenates a copy of ch onto this string
        String temp;   // make string equivalent of ch
        temp = ch;
        *this += temp;
        return *this;
    String operator +(const String & lhs, const String & rhs)
    // postcondition: returns concatenation of lhs with rhs
        String result(lhs);  // copies lhs to result
        result += rhs;   // catenate rhs
        return result;   // returns a copy of result
    String operator + ( char ch, const String & str )
    // postcondition: returns concatenation of ch with str
        String result; // make string equivalent of ch
        result = ch;
        result += str;
        return result;
    String operator + ( const String & str, char ch )
    // postcondition: returns concatenation of str with ch
        String result(str);
        result += ch;
        return result;
    String String::substr(int pos, int len) const
    //description:   extract and return the substring of length len starting
    //               at index pos
    //precondition:  this string represents c0, c1, ..., c(n-1)
    //               0 <= pos <= pos + len - 1 < n.
    //postcondition: returns the string that represents
    //               c(pos), c(pos+1), ..., c(pos+len-1)
        if (pos < 0)                       // start at front when pos < 0
           pos = 0;
        if (pos >= myLength) return "";     // empty string
        int lastIndex = pos + len - 1;      // last char's index (to copy)
        if (lastIndex >= myLength)          // off end of string?
            lastIndex = myLength-1;
        String result(*this);               // make sure enough space allocated
        int j,k;
        for(j=0,k=pos; k <= lastIndex; j++,k++)
            result.myCstring[j] = myCstring[k];
        result.myCstring[j] = '\0';         // properly terminate C-string
        result.myLength = j;                // record length properly
        return result;
    int String::find(const String & str)  const
    //description:   find the first occurrence of the string str within this
    //               string and return the index of the first character.  If
    //               str does not occur in this string, then return npos.
    //precondition:  this string represents c0, c1, ..., c(n-1)
    //               str represents s0, s1, ...,s(m-1)
    //postcondition: if s0 == ck0, s1 == ck1, ..., s(m-1) == ck(m-1) and
    //               there is no j < k0 such that s0 = cj, ...., sm == c(j+m-1),
    //               then returns k0;
    //               otherwise returns npos
        int len = str.length();
        int lastIndex = length() - len;
        int k;
        for(k=0; k <= lastIndex; k++)
            if (strncmp(myCstring + k,str.c_str(),len) == 0) return k;
        return npos;
    int String::find( char ch ) const
    // description:   finds the first occurrence of the character ch within this
    //                string and returns the index.  If ch does not occur in this
    //                string, then returns npos.
    // precondition:  this string represents c0, c1, ..., c(n-1)
    // postcondition: if ch == ck, and there is no j < k such that ch == cj
    //                then returns k;
    //                otherwise returns npos
        int k;
        for(k=0; k < myLength; k++)
            if (myCstring[k] == ch)
           return k;
        return npos;
    bool operator == ( const String & lhs, const String & rhs )
        return strcmp(lhs.c_str(), rhs.c_str()) == 0;
    bool operator != ( const String & lhs, const String & rhs )
        return ! (lhs == rhs);
    bool operator <  ( const String & lhs, const String & rhs )
        return strcmp(lhs.c_str(), rhs.c_str()) < 0;
    bool operator <= ( const String & lhs, const String & rhs )
        return !( rhs < lhs );
    bool operator >  ( const String & lhs, const String & rhs )
        return rhs < lhs;
    bool operator >= ( const String & lhs, const String & rhs )
        return ! ( lhs < rhs );
    Last edited by Magma; 02-26-2003 at 02:56 PM.

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    well i found the full CPP for it

  3. #3
    samurai warrior nextus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    if this is located in the lvp\string.h then i think its the edited one..because my school uses the same one located in the lvp\string.h directory... :P
    nextus, the samurai warrior

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    i still cant believe schools actually use lawrenceville press material...

  5. #5
    samurai warrior nextus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    yup, my school uses lawrenceville press materials...its freaking crappy...the crappiest book ever...and also those material were made for borland c++ not visual some of the stuff dont work....such a bad book....
    nextus, the samurai warrior

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