Thread: Reading in strings from a file..

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Feb 2003

    Reading in strings from a file..

    Ok, I don't knwo how to set a delimiter, so that it stops reading a string. I have read in name, address etc, from a file, but am not sure how to get it to stop after the first name. Can you guys tell me how to do that? here is the function.

    void addressBookType::readFile() //reads the data from a file using object Book of extPersonType
    ifstream inFile;
    ofstream outFile;
    string first, last, adr, cit, st, member;
    int size, month, day, year, phone;
    double z;"c:/test.txt");
    for(size = 0; size <= 5; size++)

    Book[size].setPersonType(first, last, month, day, year, adr, cit, st, z, member, phone);

  2. #2
    samurai warrior nextus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    inFile >> firstName;

    it stops after reading the first name
    i read this somewhere i inputs a set of character until a whitespace occurs like tab, newline, or space

    pretend it has a file named blah.txt that has this
    "someone likes
    me too"

    inFile >> string;
    that will store "someone" into string, if you do it again
    inFile >> string2
    that will store "likes" into string2

    also i read somewhere about the tellg(), tellp(), seekg(), seekp() functions..that tells current pos of the pointer to a certain character...changes it..gets it..or moves it..
    nextus, the samurai warrior

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Feb 2003
    so basically put a colon after each? I'm not sure if that will work but ill try.

    the file is set up like this... so it reads them... in this order
    ohn Smith
    2504 Maple Tree
    Dallas, TX
    2 27 82

  4. #4
    samurai warrior nextus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    ouch..when it reads in name.."John" is one string, "Smith" is another...and the address is 3 have to contatcenate them..and make code that does that
    nextus, the samurai warrior

  5. #5
    samurai warrior nextus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    yes i found a way...stupid me...hehe..ok the fstream class has a function called getline()

    let me demonstrate..pretend i have a file name "test.txt" with the following stuff in it
    cpp ninja rocks!
    cpp ninja is cool!
    with this code it will get the first line which is "cpp ninja rocks!" and stores it into name and outputs it

    #include <iostream.h>
    #include <fstream.h>
    int main()
    	char* name = new char[50];
    	ifstream a_file("test.txt", ios::nocreate);
    	a_file.getline(name, 50, '\n');
    	cout << name;
    	return 0;
    hope that helps
    nextus, the samurai warrior

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