I am new to programming and have to admit that I am lost on a simple assignment that can be fixed quickly but I am stumped and over looking the problem.
Classes are definitely not my favorite, yet I know I must get use to them since they are in fact everywhere.
Here is my problem:
I have to create a Person class that includes fields for last name, first name, and zip code. Then I must include a default constructor that initializes last name, first name, and zip code to "X" if there are no arguements supplied as well as a display function. The main program has to instantiate and display two Person objects; one for default values and the other one for which you supply your own values.
I am having the problem with the char.

Here is the code:
class Person
	char lastName[15];
	char firstName[15];
	char zip;
	void setValues(char lastName2[], char firstName2[], int zip2);
	void displayValues();
	lastName = "Jefferson";
	firstName = "Thomas";
	zip = "X";
void Person::displayValues()
	cout<<"The first name is "<<firstName<<"and the last name is "<<lastName<<endl;
	cout<<firstName<<lastName<< " 's zip code is "<<zip<<endl;
void Person::setValues(char lastName2[], char firstName2[], int zip2)
	lastName = lastName2;
	firstName = firstName2;
	zip = zip2;
void main()
	Person adult;
	cout<<"Before setting values with setValues()"<<endl;
	adult.setValues("Miller", "Bobby", 92807);
	cout<<"After setting values with setValues()"<<endl;
The errors do have to do with the char and again I am completely lost. Can someone help? Please recommend something to get this thing running error free...I'm lost