Hello Everybody,

I have a question. I have read up on the previous thread about loading jpg's and such on the borland environment, my question is this. I am using Dev-C++ and need to write an app that needs to accept a parameter that tells my program which scanned in image to open up. This will run on OS's from 98 to XP and I know the different OS's open up images in different utilities. I don't want anyone to write my code, I just want some advice. The code I seen from the previous thread looked long winded to do what I want to do. I need to read on how to open up images that are .bmp, .jpg, .tiff, etc. First question from all of this..... Passing a parameter from DJGPP to Dev-C++ should it be passed as a string parameter? Where should I start on displaying the images? Is GDI+ incorporated into Dev-C++? Can I get by with Win32 API? C++ in school did not teach me enough, that is for sure!!! Any suggestions would be appreciated.
