I have a simple class:

class gog
	char *s;
	int slen;


	gog (const char*s) 
		slen = strlen(s);
		s = new char [slen];
	gog (int l = 4) : slen(l) 
		s = new char [l];

	~gog ()
		if (s) 
			if (slen < 2)
				delete s;
				delete[] s;
If I declare an instance of gog in main(), I always receive an assertion error whenever the program ends. So I checked out dbgheap.c and read:

* If this ASSERT fails, a bad pointer has been passed in. It may be
* totally bogus, or it may have been allocated from another heap.
* The pointer MUST come from the 'local' heap.

about the specific assert.

The code I'm using looks right. Is there something I'm forgetting? All I'm doing is creating an instance. If I use the default constructor or I pass in a string or anything it fails... If I comment out the deletes then it works fine. Argh! What's wrong?

thanks for any help!