I'm creating a program that fills arrays with random numbers, then sorts them in ascending and descending order. I have no problem with that. My question is, why am i getting errors that cout and cin are undeclared in my code. I try using #include <iostream>, but that gives me an even longer list of errors. Here's my code: (Thanks for reading)

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

const int SIZE = 200;

void initialize_array(int random_ints[], int num_elements, int bound);

int main(void)
   int original_data[SIZE];
   int copy_data[SIZE];
   int num_values = 0;
   int bound = 0;

   cout << "Number of random data values in array (0-200)? ";
   cin >> num_values >> endl;
   cout << "Bound on maximum value? ";
   cin >> bound >> endl;           

   return 1;

void initialize_array(int random_ints[], int num_elements, int bound)
   int seed_value = 0;

   cout << "Random seed value? ";
   cin >> seed_value >> endl;

   for(int i = 0; i < num_elements; i++)
      random_ints[i] =  rand();