hey im having some problems with an overloaded operator:

/*		MineSweeper 0.0.1		*/
#include <iostream.h>
#include "apmatrix.h"
#include "randgen.h"
#include "randgen.cpp"

class minesweeper
	apmatrix<int> create(int x, int y); //Creates a matrix with the x and y grid size
	void randfill(apmatrix<int> &v); //Fills the matrix with random integers
	bool checkifbomb(apmatrix<int> &p, int x, int y); // Checks if position (x,y) in apmatrix p is a bomb (0 is bomb)
	void gameloop(apmatrix<int> &p, int originalx, int originaly); //the loop that the game will go through

void operator << (ostream &os, apmatrix<int> &v); //Free function: displays the minesweeper matrix

int main()
	minesweeper main;
	apmatrix<int> p;
	int x, y;
	cout << "****Welcome to MineSweeper 0.0.1***" << endl;
	cout << "Please enter the size of the grid (x y): ";
	cin >> x >> y;
	p = main.create(x,y);
	cout << p;
	main.gameloop(p, x, y);
	return 0;

apmatrix<int> minesweeper::create(int x, int y)
	apmatrix<int> p(x+1, y+1);
	return p;

void minesweeper::randfill(apmatrix<int> &v)
	RandGen r;
	int cols = v.numcols();
	int rows = v.numrows();
	for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
			v[i][j] = r.RandInt(0, 1);

bool minesweeper::checkifbomb(apmatrix<int> &p, int x, int y)
	if (p[x][y] == 0)
		return false;
	else return true;

void minesweeper::gameloop(apmatrix<int> &p, int originalx, int originaly)
	int x, y;
	bool gameover = false;
	while (gameover == false)
		cout << "Enter the coordinates to check (x y): ";
		cin >> x >> y;
		while ((x >originalx) || (y > originaly))
			cout << "Coordinates larger than the grid! Enter new ones: ";
			cin >> x >>y;
		if (checkifbomb(p,x,y) == true)
			cout << p;
			cout <<"You have stepped on a bomb! Game Over!" << endl;
			gameover = true;
			cout << p;
			cout << "Safe!" << endl;

void operator << (ostream &os, apmatrix<int> &v)
	int rows = v.numrows()-1;
	int cols = v.numcols()-1;
	for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
		for (int j = 0; i < cols; j++)
			os << " * ";
prints infinte stars!!!