I dont know.. why MVC++ teasing me.....

trying to use list container.. but giving me the error...

see code of main.cpp I have mentioned errors...
and also code of student class is next to main.cpp
project in self extractor form is attached..
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <list.h>
#include "Menu.h" // for the Menu function...
//list<student> stlist;//giving me error here...??? 
//If I uncommented .. the error is "error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '<'" 
//#include "student.h"
#include "student.cpp"

int main(void)
	Menu(); //to call menu function defined in Menu.h 	
	list<student> stlist;//giving me error here...tooo??? 
	return 0; //error is "undeclared identifier."
code of student.cpp
// student.cpp: implementation of the student class.

#include "student.h"
#include <iostream.h>
#include <string.h>

// Construction/Destruction

student::student() : rono(0), phno(0)
	setname("Undefined name.");
	setaddress ( "Undefined Address." );
	//default constructor...


	  Defination / Implementation of student class member functions.					


void student::setrono(long int rn)
	rono = rn;

long int student::getrono(void)
	return rono;

void student::setphno(long int pn)
	rono = pn;

long int student::getphno(void)
	return phno;

void student::setname(char *na)
	strcpy( name,na);

char* student::getname(void)
	return name;

void student::setaddress(char* ad)
	strcpy ( address, ad);

char* student::getaddress(void)
	return address;

code of student.h

/*****************Purpose of the Class...**************************/
/*  Class student's object handles the roll no(long int rono), 
/*  phone no (long int phno), name (char* name) and 
/*	address (char* address) of a student..

////////////////////////Interface of the Class....///////////////

class student  
	long int rono, phno;
	char *name, *address;
    student();  //constructor....heehehehheh I know it.. :D
	virtual ~student(); //Destructor.....but virtual
	/*//////////////////to set and get "Roll no".///////*/
	long int getrono(void);
	void setrono(long int);

	////////////////////to set and get "Phone no"///////
	long int getphno(void);
	void setphno(long int);
	///////////////////to set and get "Name".//////////
	char* getname(void);
	void setname(char* );	

	////////////////////to set and get "Address"///////
	char* getaddress(void);
	void setaddress(char* );
