i just wanted to post code for the start of this RPG i'm working on... all it is so far is a basic character class with 4 stats and a basic battle system.... i'm only a newbie programmer (i took a year of c++ in high school... ended up learning more on my own) and the code may be sloppy or can be done a better way... if anyone has advice or comments or suggestions please do share

(sorry if i posted this in the wrong section)

enum STAT { iniHP, str, def, spd, agl };

//====Player Class Functions=======================================

class Player {
	Player(int iniStr, int iniDef, int iniSpd, int iniAgl);

	void SetNewStat(int statNum, int value);
   void SetName(string iniName);

   bool IsAlive();
	string GetName() { return name; }
	int GetStat(int statNum);
   int GetHealth(int damage);

	string name;
	bool alive;
	int stats[5];
   int health;


Player::Player(int iniStr, int iniDef, int iniSpd, int iniAgl) {
/* Constructor Function
	sets defaults of class */

   alive = true;

   stats[str] = iniStr;
   stats[def] = iniDef;
   stats[spd] = iniSpd;
   stats[agl] = iniAgl;

   health = ((stats[def] + stats[agl]/2))/2 * 3;
   stats[iniHP] = health;

Player::~Player() {
/* Destructor Function */


void Player::SetNewStat(int statNum, int value) {
/*	Sets requested stat to
	current stat plus value	*/

   stats[statNum] += value;

   if (statNum != iniHP) {
   	stats[iniHP] = ((stats[def] + stats[agl]/2))/2 * 3;

void Player::SetName(string iniName) {
   name = iniName;


int Player::GetStat(int statNum) {
/* Returns value from stat array
	0<= statNum <=4 if not returns 0	*/

   if (statNum <=4) return stats[statNum];
   	else return 0;

int Player::GetHealth(int damage = 0) {
/* Returns players health
	after subtacting an amount of damage */

	health -= damage;

   if (health <= 0) {
		health = 0;
		else if (health >= stats[iniHP]) {
   		health = stats[iniHP];

   return health;

bool Player::IsAlive() {

	if (health <= 0) alive = false;
   	else alive = true;

	return alive;

//====Battle Fuctions==============================================

bool I****(Player attacker, Player defender) {
/* Returns true if character made a hit */

	int accuracy = 50 + (random(attacker.GetStat(spd)/2)
   	- random(defender.GetStat(agl)/3));
   cout << "accuracy: " << accuracy << endl;
   int hit = random(101);
   cout << "hit at: " << hit << endl;

   if (hit > accuracy) return false;
   	else return true;

void Attack(Player attacker, Player &defender) {

	int strike = (attacker.GetStat(str)/2) + random(attacker.GetStat(str)/2);
   cout << attacker.GetName() << " can attack for " << strike << " points.\n";

   int block = (random(strike)/4) + (random(defender.GetStat(def)/4));
   cout << defender.GetName() << " will block for " << block << " points.\n";


   if(I****(attacker, defender)) {
      cout << attacker.GetName() << " hit " << defender.GetName() << " for " << strike << " points.\n";
      cout << defender.GetName() << " health is now " << defender.GetHealth() << endl;
   	else cout << "Miss!" << endl;


int main() {


int pause;

Player Human(100, 100, 100, 100);
Player Computer(100, 100, 100, 100);

/* A bunch of tests to check everything */
cin >> pause;
switch (pause) {
case 1:
cout << "Strength:\t" << Human.GetStat(str) << endl;
cout << "Defense:\t" << Human.GetStat(def) << endl;
cout << "Speed:\t\t" << Human.GetStat(spd) << endl;
cout << "Agility:\t" << Human.GetStat(agl) << endl;

cout << "Health:\t\t" << Human.GetStat(iniHP) << endl;
cout << "Health - 50:\t" << Human.GetHealth(50) << endl;

cout << "Player alive:\t" << Human.IsAlive() << endl;
cout << "Health - 300:\t" << Human.GetHealth(300) << endl;
cout << "Player dead:\t" << Human.IsAlive() << endl;
cout << "Health + 300:\t" << Human.GetHealth(-300) << endl;
cout << "Player alive?:\t" << Human.IsAlive();

cout << "\n\n" << Human.GetName() << " - Defense stat + 20\n\n";

cout << "Strength:\t" << Human.GetStat(str) << endl;
cout << "Defense:\t" << Human.GetStat(def) << endl;
cout << "Speed:\t\t" << Human.GetStat(spd) << endl;
cout << "Agility:\t" << Human.GetStat(agl) << endl;

cout << "New Max Health:\t" << Human.GetStat(iniHP) << endl;
cout << "Current Health:\t" << Human.GetHealth() << endl;
cout << "Player alive:\t" << Human.IsAlive() << endl;
cout << "Health - 300:\t" << Human.GetHealth(300) << endl;
cout << "Player dead:\t" << Human.IsAlive() << endl;
cout << "Health + 600:\t" << Human.GetHealth(-600) << endl;
cout << "Player alive?:\t" << Human.IsAlive();

cin >> pause;
case 2:
do {
Attack(Human, Computer);
Attack(Computer, Human);
cin >> pause;
} while (pause == 1);

return 0;