The following is quite long but ignore the class declarations. Im confused about the address assignments to the object pointers in main()

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
class twodshape {
	double x,y;
	char name[20];
	virtual double area() {
		cout<<"Must be redefined."<<endl;
		return 0.0;
	double X() { return x; }
	double Y() { return y; }
	void X(double a) { x=a; }
	void Y(double a) { y=a; }
	twodshape(double a,double b,char *str) {
class rectangle : public twodshape {
	bool sqr;
	double area() {
		return X()*Y();
	rectangle(double a,double b):twodshape(a,b,"rectangle") {
		if(a==b) sqr=true;
	bool Sqr() { return sqr; }
int main() {
	twodshape *obs[3];
	obs[0]=&rectangle(10,10); //here (isn't this the same as saying p=&5 instead of p=&var)
	obs[1]=&rectangle(5,15); //and here
	obs[2]=&twodshape(7,8,"generic"); //and here
	cout<<"Shape 1 area: "<<obs[0]->area()<<endl;
	cout<<"Shape 2 area: "<<obs[1]->area()<<endl;
	cout<<"Shape 3 area: "<<obs[2]->area()<<endl;
	return 0;
First time I saw it I dismissed it as wrong, but decided to try compiling it anyway. But it actually worked. What I dont understand is how a pointer can be assigned to an object that isnt even declared properly. Or is there something I missed out...