Here's my problem, I'm not sure how to write this whole linked list:

The linked list should be relatively object-oriented, using two classes at least: one for list itself and one for each element of the list. Suggested names are List and ListElement.

Remember that each ListElement should have a pointer to the next ListElement(probably called next).

Remember also that you must find some way to end the list: either by having the last ListElement's next pointer point to null or itself.

The list should hold integers and support three basic operations: adding integers, removing integers, and finding integers.

Please remember that linked lists require the use of new, and that every use of new should have a corresponding use of delete.

Assuming your class is called list, you may use the following sample main:

int main()
     List list;
     cout << list.Count(9) << endl;  // should print 0

         cout << "found 12" << endl; // this should print
         cout << "error" << endl; // shouldn't print

         cout << "Did not find 15" << endl; // this should print
         cout << "error" << endl;

     for(int x = 0; x < 10; x++)
     cout << list.Count(7) << endl; // this should pring 2, since 
                                                     // there's (2) 7's in the list
     cout << list.Count(7) << endl; // should print 0

     return 0;
A few questions, would I need to use some sort of array or vector to store the nodes.

how would I write the node, such as:

struct Node
     int x;
     Node *next;

class List
     List() : head(NULL){}
     void Add(int y)
         if(head == NULL)
         head = new Node;
         head->x = y;
         head->next = (what would I put here- NULL, new Node?)


     Node *head;
     List *Arrow;
and for the RemoveAll function, would I write:

[code]RemoveAll(int y)
if(Arrow != NULL)
delete Arrow;

And for list.Count(int), would I need to use an array or vector to count the number of times that a number was inserted int list.Add, or is there some other better way to do this?
