void Application::DoAddPerson()
string N1;
string Nf;
string A1=" ";
string A2=" ";
string A3=" ";
string PC=" ";
TDate D;
char G;
string T=" ";

	cout<<"\nEnter First Name  :";
	Get(N1, 10);
	cout<<"\nEnter Second Name :";
	Get(Nf, 20);
                cout<<"\nEnter Address Line 1 :";
	Get(A1, 20);
	cout<<"\nEnter Address Line 2 :";
                Get(A2, 20);
	cout<<"\nEnter Address Line 3 :";
                Get(A3, 20);
	cout<<"\nEnter Postcode :";
                Get(PC, 8);
	cout<<"\nGet Tel No. :";
	Get(T, 8);

Person* newPerson;
newPerson= new Person(N1,Nf,A1,A2,A3,PC,D,G,T);

void DoAddStock()

string SN;
string Dn;
double CS;
float US;
float UP;
double MS;

	cout<<"\nEnter Stock Number : ";
	Get(SN, 8);
	cout<<"\nEnter a Description of the Product : ";
	Get(Dn, 30);
	cout<<"\nEnter Initial Stock Level : ";
	Get(CS, 6);
	cout<<"\nEnter Unit Size : ";
	Get(US, 6);
	cout<<"\nEnter Unit Price : ";
	Get(UP, 6);
	cout<<"\nEnter Minimum Stock Level :";
	Get(MS, 6) ;

Stock* newStock;
newStock= new Stock(SN,Dn,CS,US,UP,MS);
The Get() function works on DoAddPerson() but on DoAddStock() it will not, it says its a call to an undefined function.

Both of these functions are in the same CPP file.

Any ideas why this is happening.

And i have included <iostream.h>, because it works on the one but not the other.