Thread: Mixing objects from different classes?

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Mixing objects from different classes?

    Hi, I am trying to overload the relational operator and compare objects from different classes.

    say for instance I have:

    class A{
    int x;

    class B : public A{
    int y;

    I would like to have code in main that looks like A < B, where x and y are being compared.

    I don't know which class to put the operator function in.

    I think I need a Programmer Defined Conversion Function? but I am not sure how to use one. Any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Dec 2001
    // One of many solutions is this

    class A {
    int x;
    virtual int getFromChild () {return x;}
    int operator < (A& right) {return this -> x < right.getFromChild ();}
    A (int val = 0) {x = val;}

    class B : public A {
    int y;
    int getFromChild () {return y;}
    B (int val = 0) {y = val;}

    #include <stdio.h>
    void main () {
    B right (2);
    A left (1);
    if (left < right) printf ("it works!\n");

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    In general terms the < operator has a left hand side and a right hand side. You need to overload the operator for all possible combinations you want to use it in. That is,if A and B are different classes then A < B is different than B < A to the compiler. You can define what < means in any way you wish, but following traditional guidelines is recommended else you end up causing more confusion than it's worth. Here's a simple example of a straightforward overloading process for < using two simple classes.

    struct  A
       int Adata;
       bool operator < (A &);
       bool operator < (B &);
    struct B
      int Bdata;
      bool operator < (B &);
      bool operator < (A &);
    bool operator < (A & rhs)
        Adata < rhs.Adata ? return true : return false;
    bool operator < (B & rhs)
        Adata < rhs.Bdata ? return true : return false;
    bool operator < (B & rhs)
       Bdata < rhs.Bdata ? return true : return false;
    bool operator < (A & rhs)
       Bdata < rhs.Adata ? return true : return false;

  4. #4
    geek SilentStrike's Avatar
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    bool operator < (A & rhs)
        Adata < rhs.Adata ? return true : return false;
    // why not write this instead
    bool operator < (A & rhs)
        return Adata < rhs.Adata;
    Seems a lot clearer to me at least.
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  5. #5
    Registered User
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    I guess because I don't like to use return statements that have to be calculated first. I like to see exactly what I am returning. To me that's easier to understand. return Adata < rhs.Adata; etc. certainly works if you prefer that syntax.

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