Thread: Writing Bitmap Files

  1. #1

    Writing Bitmap Files

    I'm having a problem writing the code for writing a .bmp file. What I'm trying to do right now is load a bitmap then use that same information and write it into another file. The problem is, the first 10 lines or so of pixels in the image I write ends up completely black... I need help =/. Here's the code I'm using.

    BITMAPINFOHEADER bmpiheader;//Info header
    BITMAPFILEHEADER bmpfheader;//File header
    unsigned int bbuffer[2048]; //holds the image (64x32x32bit)
    FILE *fptr; //file pointer
    fptr=fopen("first.bmp","rb"); //opens original bitmap in binary
    //Reads the header information into the headers
    //Reads the image into bbuffer
    fclose(fptr); //closes file pointer
    fptr=fopen("new.bmp,"wb");//makes new .bmp file for bin writing
    //writes in the headers I got from the other file
    //writes in the image information from the other image
    fclose(fptr); //closes file
    I can't understand why this makes the first 10 lines completely black...

  2. #2


    I figured out the problem - the bmp file was a 24-bit image, but I was treating it as a 32bit (unsigned int). I just changed my unsigned int bbuffer[2048] to unsigned char bbuffer[2048][3] (chars are 8 bit, 3 of them make 24 bit) and now it works. YAY.

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