I have a struct as a class member, and an array of these structs as another member. I am trying to initialize the array in my class implementation file and it has been a nightmare so far. The weird thing is, that I can initialize an array of structs without a problem in a normal program, but when I try to do it for the class, I don't get a compiler error, but the struct variables remain uninitialized. Here is what I am doing:

...in tictactoe.h:
class tictactwice : public game {

static const int ROWS = 4;
static const int COLUMNS = 4;
// here is the struct
struct boardIndex {
int x;
int y;
// here is the array

tictactwice( );

.....bla bla

And I am initializing it in tictactoe.cxx like this:

struct tictactwice::boardIndex TRANSPOSITION[tictactwice::ROWS][tictactwice::COLUMNS] = {{{2,3},{0,0},{1,2},{3,1}},

Making this thing compile gave me nightmares, and right after I got happy I discovered that even though it compiles, the structs inside the array do NOT get initialized. I am clueless at this point - I know that this method would work for simple struct and a simple array, but I guess the belonging to a class part messes it up somehow. I REALLY REALLY appreciate your help!