OK I just ran your code and seem some room for inprovement.
1.)make your member variables protected. This gives you control over what is allowed to changeyour data and how.

2.)use your classes to their ful extent. Like I stated before use inheritance to simplify your code.

3.)the output function in main should be a member function of class Person(see note 2 above). By using the this pointer your class will take care of it's own input and output.

4.)the info functions is an excellent canidate for a member function. Same reason as above.

5.)Your function calls to info are all wrong(no offense). The proper way would be to(if not made a member function of person) pass the function the address of a Person and let it do the operations from there.

void Info(Person* pMyPerson);//Function declaration

void Info(Person& pMyPerson)
float temp;
char Chartemp[30];
pMyPerson->GetInfo(); //Function that would call a cout<<
//and prompt for the name.
cout << "Enter your name: ";
cin.getline(CharTemp, 128);
cout << "Enter your credit card number: ";
cin >> temp;
cout << "Enter any extra information about this person: ";
cin.getline(CharTemp, 128);