Hi, 1st time poster.
I'm currently working on a program that generates random numbers 1-49. I want to sort them from lowest to highest, how would i come about doing that?
here's what i got so far
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <time.h> //for the seedrnd() function 

#define RANGE 49 //number of numbers 
#define BALLS 7 //number of balls to draw 
#define DELAY 1000000 //delay interval between picks 

int rnd(int range); 
char loop;
void seedrnd(void); 

void main() 
 do { 
    int numbers[RANGE]; //array that holds the balls 
    int i,b; 
    unsigned long d; //delay variable 
    seedrnd(); //seed the randomizer 
/* initialize the array */ 

    for(i=0;i<RANGE;i++) //initialize the array 
    printf("Press Enter to pick this week's numbers:"); 

/* draw the numbers */ 
        for(d=0;d<=DELAY;d++); //pause here 
/* picks a random number and check to see whether it's already been picked */ 

            b=rnd(RANGE); //draw number 
        while(numbers[b]); //already drawn? 

        numbers[b]=1; //mark it as drawn   
        printf(" %i ",b+1); //add one for zero 
    printf("\n Press 1 to return");
    scanf("%d", &loop);
while (loop==1);


/* Generate a random value */ 

int rnd(int range) 
    int r; 
    r=rand()%range; //spit up random number 

/* Seed the randomizer */ 

void seedrnd(void) 

Thanks in advance!