Thread: class and header inclusion problem.

  1. #1
    I lurk
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    class and header inclusion problem.

    Okay, I have two classes, A and B. B uses A, and A uses B. They both have their own header and source files... A.cpp, A.hpp, B.cpp and B.hpp

    In A.hpp I include B.hpp and in B.hpp I include A.hpp... this isn't working. I get an infinite recursion error on MSVC++:

    warning C4182: #include nesting level is 361 deep; possible infinite recursion
    fatal error C1076: compiler limit : internal heap limit reached; use /Zm to specify a higher limit

    If I don't include A.hpp in B.hpp or vice versa, I get errors about one class being undefined... How can I solve this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Depends on how each class use each other in the .hpp file.
    If it's just a referance or pointer you can do something like this

    class A;
    class B {
          A& a;
          B(A& aa) : a(aa) { }

  3. #3
    I lurk
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    That's done it, it's working now. Thanks a lot.

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