Hello everyone,

I'm trying to figure out how input/output files work. I got warnings, and it compiled, but when I tried to run the program, it gave me

input file failed
press any key to continue

I thought we are supposed to list the directory, and my input file is saved in the same folder, and the same directory, any suggestions??

Thanks a million!!

p.s. this is only the partial code.

int main()
  string first_name;            //declare string variable first name
  string last_name;             //declare string variable last name
  string gender;                //declare string variable gender
  int age;                      //declare int variable age
  string type_coverage;         //declare string variable type of coverage
  string club_member;           //declare string variable health club
  string smoker;                //declare string variable smoker
  int zip_code;                 //declare int variable zip code
  float basic_premium;          //declare int variable basic premium
  float discount_premium;		//declare int variable discount premium
  float premium;				//declare int variable premium

  ifstream inFile;              //declare file streams
  ofstream outFile;

  inFile.open("C:\Windows\C++\proj4.in.txt");      //opens the input file
  outFile.open("C:\Windows\C++\proj4.out.txt");    //opens the output file

    cout << "Input file failed!" << endl;
    return 1;                   //terminates the program if input fails